
The Archive

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  • Unity


    Vision Sunday | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Why do we strive so hard to maintain unity? What makes it essential, even against fierce opposition? In Pastor Jamie Rasmussen's sermon, we uncover that unity is not just a concept but a divine command with transformative power. As believers, we are called to stay united, despite worldly divisions. Explore how our unity is rooted in Jesus Christ and learn how to embody His love and truth. Get ready to be challenged and inspired as we embrace the call to live out Christ's love in a divided world. Are you ready to answer?

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  • Following


    Vision Sunday | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Are you seeking answers about what it truly means to follow Jesus? Are you wondering why leadership alone doesn't bring the fulfillment you desire? In this insightful sermon "Following" by Pastor Jamie Rasmussen, discover why knowing God and finding your way to heaven is not about leading but about following. Explore the profound questions: Who or what are you following? How is it shaping your life? And most importantly, why does Jesus call us to follow Him above everything else? This message will guide you to understand how following Jesus can lead to a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God and transform your life. Don't miss this opportunity to find the answers you've been searching for!

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