
The Counseling Ministry provides both education and support through many groups facilitated by lay leaders, most of whom have personal experience with that particular topic. For more information, please contact Megan Meyers in the Counseling Office at 480.824.7327, Monday through Thursday.

Beloved Women’s Support Group

Thursdays | 6:30-8:30pm | Shea A2

Does your husband struggle with pornography or some form of sexual addiction? Beloved is a Christ-centered support group that is a safe and confidential place for women to come together and support each other. Allow us to walk alongside you as we encourage one another and experience God’s healing touch!

To find a group or register


Wednesdays, August 21 – November 13 | 6:30-8pm | Shea A9 

Cost: $20

DivorceCare is a 13-week support group for people looking to heal from the pain of a separation or divorce. You will be part of a small support group where you will be able to talk about the information presented during the DVD seminar. Topics covered include: anger, depression, loneliness, kids, financial survival, and forgiveness. DivorceCare is non-denominational and features biblical teaching for recovery. For more information on this program, visit 

Sign Up

For more information, please contact Megan Meyers in the Counseling Ministry at 480.824.7327 or


Families Dealing With Dementia

2nd & 4th Mondays | 10-11:30am | Shea A9

This year-round support group is for anyone touched by the epidemic of dementia. It is a safe, confidential place to share, exchange ideas, and pray for one another. Through education, guest speakers, videos and books, our goal is to provide strategies to foster relationships and ease the journey of dementia.

For more information, please contact Elly Keniston at 602.300.6634.


Foster, Kinship & Adoptive Parents Support Group

Thursday, April 25 | 6:30-8pm | Shea E26

SBC’s Foster, Kinship and Adoptive Parents Support Group is a safe place to discuss the joys and challenges of raising kids who are navigating difficult circumstances. We share resources for caregivers and create a confidential, non-judgmental environment where you can laugh, cry, lean on, and learn from others who are walking in your shoes. The group is guided by trained SBC facilitators who want to walk alongside you.

For more information, contact Melanie Harris at 602.690.7851.



Tuesdays, August 20 – November 12 | 6:3–8:30pm | Cactus Family Life Building
Mondays, August 19 – December 16 | 4:30-6pm | Fountain Hills Ministry Center (17210 E Amhurst Drive)
Wednesdays, August 21 – November 20 | 6-8pm | North Ridge A1
Thursdays, August 15 – November 14 | 6-8pm | Shea A9

*Cost: $20

If you are grieving the death of someone close to you, the 13-week GriefShare experience offers helpful support. Over 13 weeks, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead, learn helpful ways to cope with grief, and gain solid support for each step of your journey. For more information on this program, visit

Discussion topics include:

Cactus Sign Up Fountain Hills Sign Up North Ridge Sign Up Shea Sign Up

For more information, please contact Megan Meyers in the Counseling Ministry at 480.824.7327 or

Healing After Abortion

Mondays, September 16 – November 11 | 6:30-8:30pm | Shea A5

*No Cost

God has given us the free gift of forgiveness and freedom and does not want us to feel guilty about our past. Many women carry around the shame, guilt and pain of a past abortion and do not realize their abortion(s) may be the source of their current relationship and life challenges. If you have had this experience, you can learn to accept God’s free gift of forgiveness and experience true freedom through Christ. Healing After Abortion is an 8-week confidential Bible study using the book, Surrendering the Secret.

For more information:

Sign Up

*SBC is now offering a new support group for men dealing with the pain of a past abortion. To learn more, please view the Surrendering the Heart of a Father page or contact John at 602.524.7434 for more information.

Imperishable Beauty

Thursdays | 7-8:30pm | North Ridge 5-8 Room 

Is your mind captivated by thoughts of food or ways to lose (or not gain) weight? Do you feel stuck in behaviors of restricting, bingeing, purging, or excessively exercising to remain thin? Do you want to be free, yet fear what that might look like? An eating disorder can feel like a dark and lonely place, and family and friends often don’t understand. But we have good news. You are not alone and God wants to give you freedom. If you’re exhausted from your eating disorder, Imperishable Beauty is a weekly support group for women (ages 18+) designed to help heal your relationship with your body and food. It’s a safe place created to help expose the lies that keep us stuck and imprisoned. You’ll discover how God redeems, restores, and can give you hope, freedom, and confidence in the body He gave you.

For more information, please contact Alice Baker at 407.340.8251 or

Men’s Purity in Christ Group

Jesus set the bar high with His call to sexual purity: “You have heard it said ‘YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY’: but I say to you, that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” (Matthew 5:27–28)

Then Jesus let His hearers know the remedy for this situation: “And if your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out, and throw it from you; for it is better for you that one of the parts of your body perish, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.” (Matthew 5:29)

Jesus is likely using a literary device known as hyperbole in this verse. However, the point should be very clear: lust should be dealt with drastically and speedily. Before you rip your eye out however, try using other biblical provisions for healing. Talk to other believers struggling with this issue for the purposes of accountability and healing. You may do so in a confidential manner in groups offered through the counseling ministry.

For more information, please contact Megan Meyers in the Counseling Ministry at 480.824.7327 or

Parents Of Addicted Loved Ones (PALS)

Thursdays | 6-7:30pm | Shea A4

This is an on-going support group. This group is for parents or spouses who have a child or loved one suffering from problems with drugs, alcohol or gambling.

This group gives support to, and receives support from, others facing the same challenges regarding their loved ones. No registration is necessary; come for confidential education and support.

For more information, please contact Judi Staggers at 480.313.6434 or Megan Meyers in the Counseling Ministry at 480.824.7327 or


Recovery Bible Study

Our Recovery Bible Studies are for men and women who desire to be set free from the bondage of alcohol or drugs. The Life Recovery Bible is our source of study. A piece of scripture related to the 12-Step program is discussed each week with an emphasis on how it might be applied to our lives. Both groups are ongoing and new members can start at any time. The anonymity and privacy of all participants is respected.

Men’s Recovery Bible Study 
Thursdays | 7-8:30pm | Cactus Family Life Building
For further information, contact Bill Goldbrandsen at 719.661.5735
Wednesdays | 7-8:30pm | Fountain Hills DK
For further information, contact Don Longe at 602.710.0512
Tuesdays | 7-8:30pm | Shea A4
For further information, contact Rich Bilby at 602.695.3130

Women’s Recovery Bible Study
Wednesdays | 12-1pm | Shea A4
Jesus Is Our Higher Power

For further information, please contact Megan in the Counseling Office at 480. 824.7327.

Relationships and Boundaries Workshop

These groups are for women only.
**Registration opens August 1**

Wednesdays, September 11 – December 4 | 3-4:30pm | Fountain Hills Ministry Center
*No Cost

Women at Fountain Hills will be studying Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.

Contact Megan Meyers at 480.824.7327 for more information.

Tuesdays, September 3 – December 17 | 6-7:30pm | North Ridge A3
*No Cost

Women at North Ridge will be studying 12 “Christian” Beliefs That Can Drive You Crazy by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend.

Contact Julie McGandy at 480.540.5033 for more information.

Tuesdays, September 17 – December 3 | 6:30-8:30pm | Shea A8
Wednesdays, September 18 – December 4 | 12-2pm | Shea A3
*Cost: $10

Women at Shea will be studying The Law of Happiness by Dr. Henry Cloud.

Contact Diane Lauterbach at 480.703.2885 for more information.

Revive40 Men’s Support Group

Thursdays | 6:30-8:30pm | Shea YTH 5-8

Are you struggling with an unwanted sexual addiction? Have you tried to find freedom from the shackles of compulsive sexual struggles on your own with little to no success? Do you feel distant from God or are you struggling to know what it truly looks like to be His child? Revive 40 is a confidential men’s purity ministry that has helped thousands of men over the past 20 years find freedom from sexual addiction and a deeper relationship with Christ.

To find a group or register

Surrendering the Heart of a Father

Without question, abortion can be the most traumatic experience in a person’s life, including a man’s life. As more women respond to the healing journey of a past abortion, God is stirring the hearts of men. Surrendering The Secret: Surrendering The Heart of a Father addresses the profound journey of the men whose lives have been affected by abortion. It is a powerful guide that helps hurting men find healing and freedom from the loss and shame of a past abortion.

For more information:

Request Information

*To learn about SBC’s class for women who have experienced an abortion, visit our Healing After Abortion page.

Taking off Pounds Sensibly (T.O.P.S.)

Mondays | 6:30-8pm | North Ridge A2

This is a great support group for women. If you are looking for support to take off those unwanted pounds but aren’t sure where to start, T.O.P.S. is here to help. It helps to know you are not alone in your struggle. T.O.P.S. has contests, program information, guest speakers, friendly competitions and monthly awards.

If you have further questions you can contact Deborah Bello 602-312-4747.

The Wounded Heart

The next session of “The Wounded Heart” has not yet been scheduled. Please reach out to Megan Meyers at 480.824.7327 or if you are interested in being notified about the next group.

Statistics reveal that 1 in 4 girls will have been sexually assaulted by the time they are 18, yet these are only the reported cases. This type of trauma carries with it shame and ambivalence that often prevent the victim from coming forward to report or ask for help. This group is a safe, non-judgmental place for adult women survivors of sexual abuse, assault, or trafficking to find healing and support to overcome the fear that keeps them silent.

Women 18 years and older ONLY.