
The Archive

Visit our YouTube, Apple, or Spotify channels to access our free archive of past messages.

  • Possessed
    | 3/16/25


    1 Peter 2:4-12 | Week 7 | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    What’s your purpose and what were you made to do? If you believe in and follow Jesus, you have a new…

  • Like Living Stones
    | 3/9/25

    Like Living Stones

    1 Peter 2:4-10 | Week 6 | Pastor Derek Brandt

    Stones aren’t usually thought of as living, but the Bible calls Jesus the Cornerstone on which…

  • Love
    | 3/2/25


    1 Peter 1:22-2:3 | Week 5 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Love is everywhere—in our songs, movies, and conversations—but what kind of love does God want us to…

  • Holiness
    | 2/23/25


    1 Peter 1:13-21 | Week 4 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    If you’ve ever felt defeated by trying to live up to God’s standard, this message is for you…

  • Safety
    | 2/19/25


    1 Peter 1 3-12 | Week 3 | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    Do you ever feel like you’ve let God down or wonder where you stand with Him? Do you question whether…

  • Born Again
    | 2/9/25

    Born Again

    1 Peter 1:3-12 | Week 2 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Beyond just believing in Jesus, you can experience a whole new birth that will give you a renewed…

  • Identity
    | 2/2/25


    1 Peter 1:1-2 | Week 1 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Do you ever feel like you don’t belong? Or wonder how to let go of the past and discover your purpose?

  • Why Should We Care?
    | 1/12/25

    Why Should We Care?

    2 Timothy 3 & 4 | Week 1 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Do you truly care about the lost and broken in our world? Instead of worrying about the moral …

  • How Should We Care?
    | 1/19/25

    How Should We Care?

    Matthew 9 | Week 2 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    We all long be seen and known. We want others to look beneath the surface and care about …

  • What Does Care Look Like Today?
    | 1/29/25

    What Does Care Look Like Today?

    Matthew 10 | Week 3 | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    Why is it so difficult to talk with people about Jesus in today’s culture? Many haven’t grown up with …

  • Be Perfect
    | 1/8/25

    Be Perfect

    Matthew 5:43-48 | Dr. Darryl DelHousaye

    In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus challenges us to love our enemies and then says, …

  • Is Jesus Ever Coming Back?
    | 12/29/24

    Is Jesus Ever Coming Back?

    Titus 2:11-15 | Dr. Darryl DelHousaye

    We're called to live self-controlled, godly lives as we wait for Christ’s second coming. But when…

  • Christ
    | 12/24/24


    Christmas Eve Service | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Jesus’ birth fulfilled the longing of hearts through the ages, bringing light and life to our …

  • Love - Advent
    | 12/22/24

    Love - Advent

    John 3:16 | Week 4 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    The kind of love our world celebrates often comes with conditions and can vanish if we don’t measure…

  • Joy - Advent
    | 12/15/24

    Joy - Advent

    Luke 2:10-12 | Week 3 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Happiness is fleeting, but joy is planted deep within us and can carry us through the…

  • Peace - Advent
    | 12/8/24

    Peace - Advent

    Luke 2:14 | Week 2 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed or anxious about life’s circumstances? You’re not alone!

  • Hope - Advent
    | 12/1/24

    Hope - Advent

    Luke 2:25-32 | Week 1 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Under the weight of challenging circumstances, hope can sometimes feel distant. How can we …

  • Whom Do You Seek?

    Whom Do You Seek?

    John 18:7 | Week 9 | Pastor Ryan Goble

    Many profess to believe in and follow Jesus, but what expectations and assumptions do we place on Him? …

  • Who Do You Say I Am?

    Who Do You Say I Am?

    Matthew 16:13-16 | Week 8 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    No other culture in history has been as confused about the identity of Jesus as our own …

  • Why Have You Forsaken Me?

    Why Have You Forsaken Me?

    Matthew 27:46 | Week 7 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Have you ever felt a deep sense of loneliness, as if God had turned His face away, leaving you …

  • Do You Think I Have Come to Bring Peace?

    Do You Think I Have Come to Bring Peace?

    Luke 12:49-53 | Week 6 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Most of what we know about Jesus and His teachings leads us to see Him as a bringer of peace. …

  • Who Is My Mother and Who Are My Brothers?

    Who Is My Mother and Who Are My Brothers?

    Matthew 12:46-50 | Week 5 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Family relationships are amazing blessings, and God is the one who created them, but…

  • Through Him and For Him
    | 10/20/24

    Through Him and For Him

    Open Topic | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    We all grapple with questions about our identity, purpose, and meaning, …

  • Beyond the Booth

    Beyond the Booth

    Week 2 | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    In a world filled with noise, opinions, and constant pressure to respond to others quickly and decisively, how are we, as followers of Christ, called to communicate?

  • A Worldview for Voting

    A Worldview for Voting

    Week 1 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Ever find yourself wondering, "Why do I feel so out of sync with the world around me?"

  • Why Do You See the Speck but Not the Log?

    Why Do You See the Speck but Not the Log?

    Matthew 7:1-5 | Week 4 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Have you ever caught yourself thinking something bad about someone else?

  • Why Are You So Afraid?

    Why Are You So Afraid?

    Mark 7: 35-41 | Week 3 | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    Are you feeling overwhelmed by life's storms?

  • Is Not Life More Than...?

    Is Not Life More Than...?

    Matthew 6:19-34 | Week 2 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen
    One of Jesus’ most insightful questions was: “Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?” He understood that regardless of our financial status or circumstances, we’re all tempted to place too much value on material things. How often do we let money and possessions consume our thoughts rather than trusting God to meet our needs and give us peace? This message invites us to break free from this mindset and avoid the anxiety that comes from misplaced priorities.

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  • To What Can I Compare This Generation?

    To What Can I Compare This Generation?

    Luke 7: 31- 35 | Week 1 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    What’s your life focused on? Does it revolve around achieving happiness for you and your family or on something more? In this first message of our Questions Jesus Asked series, Jesus asks an unusual question and compares the people in His audience to children playing a game and dancing to the wrong tune. Discover what He meant by it and how it applies to your life and priorities.

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  • Unity


    Week 2 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Why do we strive so hard to maintain unity? What makes it essential, even against fierce opposition?

  • Following


    Week 1 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Are you seeking answers about what it truly means to follow Jesus? Are you wondering why leadership alone doesn't bring the fulfillment you desire? In this insightful sermon "Following" by Pastor Jamie Rasmussen, discover why knowing God and finding your way to heaven is not about leading but about following. Explore the profound questions: Who or what are you following? How is it shaping your life? And most importantly, why does Jesus call us to follow Him above everything else? This message will guide you to understand how following Jesus can lead to a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God and transform your life. Don't miss this opportunity to find the answers you've been searching for!

    Campus Vision Messages

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  • Living A Courageous Life

    Living A Courageous Life

    Daniel | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    Are you feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of life? Have you ever wondered how to stay faithful when everything around you seems uncertain? In this compelling sermon based on the book of Daniel from Pastor Rustin Rossello, he will explore the powerful lessons that resonate with us today.

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  • Invitation to Adventure

    Invitation to Adventure

    Esther | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    Esther, a young Jewish girl who was made queen of Persia, faced a crucial choice. Would she fulfill the role God had for her, risking her life to save her people, or take the safer path of least resistance? We face the same choices in life. Are we willing to take risks to be a part of God’s great adventure?

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  • 1970s Atlanta, the Cupbearer, and the Revivalists

    1970s Atlanta, the Cupbearer, and the Revivalists

    Nehemiah | Pastor Derek Brandt

    Do you ever think, “I’m just one person…how can I make a difference?” Born during the exile, Nehemiah had never seen Jerusalem, but hearing about its condition moved Him to ask God what He could do to help. His life is an inspiring example of what God does with people who have a willing spirit.

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  • Keep Your Eye on the Ball

    Keep Your Eye on the Ball

    Ezra | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    Have you ever wondered what might be drawing you away from true devotion to God? Are there influences in your life that subtly, yet powerfully, pull you from your spiritual path?

    In this sermon, we'll reflect on questions like how the friendships we keep impact our faith, whether our pastimes and hobbies are becoming distractions rather than blessings, and if our material possessions start owning us instead of the other way around. We'll also explore how our entitlements and desires limit where the Lord can lead us.

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  • God's Reset Button

    God's Reset Button

    2 Chronicles 36 | Pastor Ryan Goble

    Have you ever made an unwise decision and wished you could hit reset and get another chance? When God’s people made some poor choices, it landed them in some serious trouble. This message looks at how their experiences apply to us and what to do when we need a reset with God.

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  • We Are the Temple

    We Are the Temple

    2 Chronicles 7 | Pastor Ryan Goble

    When God feels far away or silent, how can we experience His presence? This message explains the secret. In ancient Israel, God symbolically resided in a physical temple, but today, because of Jesus, we can experience His presence within us and the results are holiness, worship and love.

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  • Move Forward & Look Back

    Move Forward & Look Back

    Through this sermon, we are reminded that to truly experience God's presence and guidance, we must cultivate a deep, abiding relationship with Him.

  • This Is Us

    This Is Us

    1 & 2 Chronicles | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    Join us for an enlightening sermon from Pastor Rustin Rossello on the power of understanding and embracing our family roots to foster personal growth and transformation. Whether your family history is one of strength and support or challenges and hardships, this message will guide you on how to draw from your past to build a stronger, more purposeful future.

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  • Wisdom for the Angry

    Wisdom for the Angry

    Proverbs 8:5 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Welcome to our special Father's Day sermon where Pastor Jamie Rasmussen delves into the wisdom of Proverbs and explores how to navigate conflicts with a godly heart. In this message, he'll uncover essential truths about:

    • The Kind of Fight in Which You Sin

    • Managing Anger

    • Heartfelt Responses

    • The Power of a Soft Answer

    Join us as we reflect on these timeless principles from Proverbs and celebrate the fathers in our lives who strive to embody godly wisdom in every aspect of their journey.

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  • Wisdom vs. Foolishness

    Wisdom vs. Foolishness

    Proverbs 8:5 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    The Bible talks a lot about foolishness, but what does that mean and how can we avoid it? Three different types of fools are described in Proverbs, and this message outlines practical steps you can take to avoid becoming one of them.

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  • Wisdom & Contentment

    Wisdom & Contentment

    Proverbs 16:8 | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    In this sermon, we explore the powerful transformation that happens when we surrender certain…

  • Wisdom and Your Words

    Wisdom and Your Words

    Proverbs 18:21 | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    In this sermon, Pastor Rustin Rossello delves into the power of words and their ability to shape our lives…

  • Wisdom and Money

    Wisdom and Money

    Proverbs 10:4 | Jamie Rasmussen

    Through this enlightening message, you'll learn how dedication and hard work can transform…

  • Wisdom and God's Will

    Wisdom and God's Will

    Proverbs 3:5-6 | Jamie Rasmussen

    How can we discover God’s will when we’re making those big life decisions like who to marry…

  • Wisdom and Growing Old

    Wisdom and Growing Old

    Proverbs 16:31 | Jamie Rasmussen

    Whether we’re 30 or 70, we all face the reality and reminders that we’re getting older…

  • Wisdom For Justice

    Wisdom For Justice

    Proverbs 21:3 | Derek Brandt

    What does it mean to embody justice? Often, we reduce justice to punishment for wrongdoing…

  • Wisdom Against Addiction

    Wisdom Against Addiction

    Proverbs 23:29-35 | Rustin Rossello

    As humans, we have a natural tendency to get stuck in dependent relationships with the creation…

  • Wisdom for Business

    Wisdom for Business

    Proverbs 20 : 10 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    As humans, we have a natural tendency to get stuck in dependent relationships with the creation

  • Wisdom


    Proverbs 1:7 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Wisdom is an indispensable gift the God offers to all who do life His way–and receiving it begins…

  • Easter 2024

    Easter 2024

    John1:3 | Jamie Rasmussen

    Who is Jesus to you? Many view Jesus as the founder of Christianity, a great teacher, an example to follow, and someone to help us in times of need. But is He more than that? This Easter message offers a chance to step into a deeper understanding of who He claimed and proved Himself to be and how His life, sacrificial death, and resurrection can transform our lives.

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  • Good Friday

    Good Friday

    Romans 5:8 | Jamie Rasmussen

    Join us in observing Jesus' last supper, Jesus carrying the cross, Jesus revealing, breaking, and ...

    The meaning and explanation of Good Friday is that it commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death. The reason the day is "Good" is because the day is sacred. Good Friday is a holy day and central to our Christian belief of salvation.

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  • Palm Sunday 2024

    Palm Sunday 2024

    Romans 5:12 | Jamie Rasmussen

    Why would we boast in the cross, a first century symbol of death? Because it can transform us. The cross as a gateway to new life and identity in Christ, and this message unveils three amazing experiences waiting for us at the foot of the cross. It provides all we need to experience freedom, respond to temptation, and experience strength in Christ amidst life's challenges.

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  • The Cross
    | 3/17/24

    The Cross

    Galatians 6:11-18 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Having clarity around a biblical worldview gives us insight into our identity, our purpose…

  • Reaping and Sowing
    | 3/10/24

    Reaping and Sowing

    Galatians 6:6-10 | Ryan Goble

    A true principle in life is that whatever we plant (sow), we will harvest (reap)! So, it’s always good to examine what things we’re sowing in our personal and spiritual lives—and whether they are focused on reaping temporary happiness or eternal fruit. Hope is the result when we plant and feed the right seeds!

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  • Gritty Love
    | 3/3/24

    Gritty Love

    Galatians 5:24-26 | Jamie Rasmussen

    How are we to love those around us? A meaningful way to demonstrate true Christ-like love is to bear another person’s burdens. This message in Galatians 6 unpacks how we can do this by entering into the struggles of others and caring for them in wisdom, humility, and love.

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  • How to Win More Battles
    | 2/25/24

    How to Win More Battles

    Galatians 5:24-26 | Rustin Rossello

    Discover how to let go of the complicated chaos of do’s and don’ts and embrace the freedom and joy found in walking with God. By focusing on Jesus and allowing Him to lead us, we can experience power over our sinfulness and see the fruit of the Spirit flourish in our lives as we can become living testimonies of God's abundant life.

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  • The War Within
    | 2/18/24

    The War Within

    Galatians 5:16-23 | Jamie Rasmussen

    In a world filled with wars and conflicts, we often overlook the most crucial battle: the war within our souls. This message explores how our actions reflect the ongoing struggle between the desires of the flesh and the Spirit's leading—and how we can achieve victory as we fight the good fight with wisdom and discernment.

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  • Learning to Live Free
    | 2/11/24

    Learning to Live Free

    Galatians 5:1-15 | Rustin Rasmussen

    Discover the liberating truth that freedom in Jesus doesn't give us license to live recklessly, but rather empowers us to live victoriously in obedience and love. This message explores the dangers of legalism and other views that threaten our spiritual growth and celebrates the transformative power of God’s grace in our lives.

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  • Two Different Paths
    | 2/4/24

    Two Different Paths

    Galatians 4:21-31 | Jamie Rasmussen

    How often do we rely on our own efforts to make things work out in life rather than trusting in God’s provision and plans? This message looks at how Abraham and his family did just that and created some messy situations. The spiritual truths they learned about self-salvation can easily be applied in own lives.

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  • Getting Along With Those You Love
    | 1/28/24

    Getting Along With Those You Love

    Galatians 4:12-20 | Jamie Rasmussen

    Five things that we might want to be fostering in our own lives and in our relationships if we want those we love to hear us.

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  • Don’t Go Back
    | 1/21/24

    Don’t Go Back

    Galatians 4:8-11 | Jamie Rasmussen

    The gospel of Jesus is open to everyone. It’s more inclusive than any other religion, but it’s also exclusive in its truth claims that Jesus is the only way to God. This message unpacks why this is true and why it doesn’t make logical sense to go back to the world’s version of truth.

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  • It's Time to Grow Up
    | 1/14/24

    It's Time to Grow Up

    Galatians 4:1-7 | Jamie Rasmussen

    Believers in Jesus are living under grace, not the law, and God expects us to grow in maturity under that grace, not focus on the elementary principles of the world. Pastor Jamie shares four things in this message that can reveal whether we have some growing up to do in our faith.

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  • The Great Apologetic
    | 1/7/24

    The Great Apologetic

    Romans 15:1-13 | Darryl DelHousaye

    Sharing the good news with others involves much more than words. Our lives are meant to show people who Jesus is. In this message, Dr. Darryl DelHousaye, Chancellor of Phoenix Seminary, emphasizes that having a gracious attitude and love for others gives credibility to the truths we share.

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  • All People

    All People

    Luke 2:10 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    Christ’s coming into our world carried out God’s plan to reveal Himself and offer salvation to everyone, not just the Jews. Are we ever bothered when God offers His love and compassion to those who seem undeserving? This message challenges us to celebrate that God invites everyone to His heavenly party.

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  • Great Joy

    Great Joy

    Luke 2:8-12 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    What is joy? Is it happiness, pleasure, satisfaction, or something deeper? This message explores the meaning of joy, why we might not be experiencing it, and what steps we can take to find more of it!

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  • Good News

    Good News

    Luke 2:8-12 | Pastor Rustin Rossello

    This first message of Advent looks at the Good News that breaks through the darkness and gives us a glimpse of God’s glory. Pastor Rustin closes with a moving video of a couple who found supernatural peace, joy and gratitude during a dark time as they experienced God love and grace.

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  • A True Child of God
    | 11/26/23

    A True Child of God

    Galatians 3:26-29 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

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  • The Purposes of God's Law
    | 11/19/23

    The Purposes of God's Law

    Galatians 3:15-25 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    God appreciates a good “Why?” question every now and then.

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  • The Logic of God
    | 11/12/23

    The Logic of God

    Galatians 3:1-14 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    It takes faith in Jesus, not your own good works, if you want to be right with God.

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  • An Exchanged Life
    | 11/5/23

    An Exchanged Life

    Galatians 2:20-21 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

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  • You're Not a Hypocrite
    | 10/29/23

    You're Not a Hypocrite

    Galatians 2:17-19 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    When it comes to getting right with God, you can attempt to earn it or actually receive it—but not both.

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  • You Can’t Earn It
    | 10/22/23

    You Can’t Earn It

    Galatians 2:15-16 | Pastor Rustin Rossello

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  • Pulling Us All Together
    | 10/15/23

    Pulling Us All Together

    Galatians 2:1-14 | Pastor Rustin Rossello

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  • It's Not Just for You
    | 10/8/23

    It's Not Just for You

    Galatians 1:11-24 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    God wants your _______ ______ to get caught up in His _______ ______.

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  • Playing to an Audience of One
    | 10/1/23

    Playing to an Audience of One

    Galatians 1:10 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    In order to truly know God, you have to stop living to please others.

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  • Don't Mess with Success
    | 9/24/23

    Don't Mess with Success

    Galatians 1:6-9 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

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  • What’s Your Gospel?
    | 9/17/23

    What’s Your Gospel?

    Galatians 1:1-5 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    What is the gospel and why does it matter? Is it relevant in today’s culture and if so, how?

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  • Unlimited
    | 9/10/23


    Unlimited | Tim Kimmel

    Scottsdale Bible Church serves people with special needs from ages 3-85 across the world. Learn more about our inclusive and supportive programs through our Special Needs ministry.

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  • Online Campus Vision

    Online Campus Vision

    Being The Intentional Church | Pastor Ryan Hubner

    A special message from our Online Campus Pastor, Ryan Hubner on the vision God has given him for Online and how it supports the overall vision of Scottsdale Bible Church.

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  • Shea Campus Vision

    Shea Campus Vision

    The Way Of Love | Pastor Ryan Goble

    A special message from our Shea Campus Pastor, Ryan Goble on the vision God has given him for Shea and how it supports the overall vision of Scottsdale Bible Church.

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  • North Ridge Campus Vision

    North Ridge Campus Vision

    Running by Faith | Pastor Ryan Heath

    A special message from our North Ridge Campus Pastor, Ryan Heath on the vision God has given him for North Ridge and how it supports the overall vision of Scottsdale Bible Church.

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  • Fountain Hills Campus Vision

    Fountain Hills Campus Vision

    Who is Your Neighbor | Pastor Rich Griffith

    A special message from our Fountain Hills Campus Pastor, Rich Griffith on the vision God has given him for Fountain Hills and how it supports the overall vision of Scottsdale Bible Church.

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  • Cactus Campus Vision

    Cactus Campus Vision

    Practicing the Way | Pastor Rick Holman

    A special message from our Cactus Campus Pastor, Rick Holman on the vision God has given him for Cactus and how it supports the overall vision of Scottsdale Bible Church.

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  • The Trifecta of God
    | 8/27/23

    The Trifecta of God

    1 Peter 1:1-2 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    The "_ of God" series is vision oriented and is focused on some key attributes of God. This message will explore the goodness of God—an attribute that is often questioned when we face difficult circumstances or see tragedy in our world.

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  • The Goodness of God
    | 8/20/23

    The Goodness of God

    Psalm 119:68 | Pastor Jamie Rasmussen

    The "_ of God" series is vision oriented and is focused on some key attributes of God. This message will explore the goodness of God—an attribute that is often questioned when we face difficult circumstances or see tragedy in our world.

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  • Aim For A Full Life
  • Live By The Power Of God
  • Ministry Mindset

    Ministry Mindset

    2 Corinthians 12:11-21 | Rustin Rossello

    How do we respond when others betray us, disregard us, or question us? Paul faced this with the Corinthian church, and his response was to stay focused on Jesus and to sacrificially love these people in spite of their behavior. This message from Pastor Rustin challenges us to examine how and why we love others, especially those who are hard to love.

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  • The Economy of Humility: The Journey

    The Economy of Humility: The Journey

    2 Corinthians 12:7-10 | Rustin Rossello

    Are we close enough to God that we can trust and praise Him even when we face challenging circumstances, difficult emotions, health issues, failures, and other debilitating “thorns”? In this message, Pastor Rustin Rossello challenges us to look at our weaknesses and difficulties as opportunities to witness God’s power and grace in our lives.

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  • The Economy of Humility: The Heart

    The Economy of Humility: The Heart

    2 Corinthians 12:1-6 | Rustin Russello

    The Apostle Paul had every reason to boast about in his credentials and authority, yet in 2 Corinthians 12, he humbly approached the church with a personal story of how God radically transformed his life. This message from Pastor Rustin Rossello focuses on Paul’s heart of humility and shares how important it is for us, like him, to openly share our stories with safe people who will encourage us on our spiritual journey.

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  • Strength In Weakness

    Strength In Weakness

    2 Corinthians 11:16-33 | Derek Brandt

    In 2 Corinthians 11:16-33, Paul defends his apostolic authority, compares himself to false teachers, recounts his hardships, and emphasizes his dedication to the gospel despite numerous challenges and sufferings. The concept of "kintsugi," the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold, serves as a metaphor for how Paul's faith and ministry are strengthened through his trials, much like the broken pottery becomes more beautiful and valuable after being mended with gold.

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  • Camouflage Gospel

    Camouflage Gospel

    2 Corinthians 11:7-15 | Kevin Yule

    Are we discerning enough to know falsehood when we see it? Some of the world's messages sound good, but when we look closely, we see that they are a few degrees off. In this sermon, Guest Pastor Kevin Yule shares that in order to identify what is false, we need a solid understanding of what is true.
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  • True Aim

    True Aim

    2 Corinthians 11:1-6 | Rustin Rossello

    So many messages compete for our attention that it’s easy to get off track in our faith and led astray. Even sincere Christ followers can be deceived and start agreeing with a counterfeit version of the gospel – one that feels good, meets our needs, and doesn’t require much sacrifice. In this message, Pastor Rustin helps us recognize illusions that masquerade as the truth.
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  • Confidence


    2 Corinthians 10:13-18 | Week 4 | Jamie Rasmussen

    When faced with spiritual battles in our lives, it’s easy to feel defeated and lose confidence…

  • Finding Spiritual Strength

    Finding Spiritual Strength

    2 Corinthians 10:7-12 | Week 3 | Jamie Rasmussen

    How do we measure our experiences with God to know whether they are true…

  • Defeating Arguments

    Defeating Arguments

    2 Corinthians 10:5-6 | Week 2 | Ryan Goble

    When it comes to defeating arguments, we can often choose aggression…

  • Breaking Strongholds

    Breaking Strongholds

    2 Corinthians 10:1-4 | Week 1 | Rustin Rossello
    Whether you sense it or not, you’re in a spiritual battle with an enemy who seeks to set up…