A space for married couples seeking to live out God’s purposes for healthy marriages.
Whether your marriage is struggling or strong, the right resources, focus, and intentional effort can make all the difference. Get in touch for pastoral care or to request recommended steps for community and support. Our Counseling Ministry also offers resources and short-term counseling options. To schedule counseling, review the “Request for Services” section and have both spouses fill out both forms.
Connect with us at marriage@scottsdalebible.com or call 480.824.7245 to schedule an appointment.
Jason Belcher
Marriage MInistry Team Lead
Upcoming Classes
Connect With Your Campus
Ben Powers
Cactus Marriage Pastor
Willie Dudley
Fountain Hills Marriage Pastor
James Delarato
North Ridge Marriage Pastor
Jason Belcher
Shea Marriage Pastor
Getting Married
Interested in having your wedding at SBC?
To learn more about planning a wedding at SBC, please review our wedding info booklet. When you are ready to make a reservation and verify availability please complete our online wedding inquiry.
Contact weddings@scottsdalebible.com for general questions about weddings at SBC.
Support Groups
The Counseling Ministry offers both education and support through various groups led by compassionate lay leaders, many of whom have personal experience with the issues being addressed. Additionally, we have provided links to national organizations that guide individuals to find healing and strength through faith in God.
For details on these resources, please contact our Counseling Ministry Monday through Thursday.