Financial Stewardship

Your Generosity


We honor God when we regard everything we have as His and worship Him with a generous heart.

Stewardship is simply managing the gifts God has entrusted to us in ways that honor Him. As followers of Jesus, we recognize that all good things come to us through His hands.

It’s easy to think of the money we work hard to earn as our own. Our culture encourages us to pursue the enjoyment, comfort, and status that money can bring, and to find our security in a healthy bank account or investment portfolio. But God says He will bless our efforts and our lives if we hold our possession and financial resources loosely. He calls us to depend on Him to meet our needs and to gain fulfillment that goes beyond the temporary.

Our love for God and faith in Jesus motivates us to use God’s gifts wisely, for His glory, to bring about an eternal inheritance.

“God’s grace, love and Christ’s sacrifice for us are given freely to us by God. Because God has been generous with us, we can live generously. As Jesus said, “Freely you have received; freely give.” – Matthew 10:8

  • Whether you’re just starting out, struggling through some challenging seasons, or at the point where you can start thinking about enjoying retirement, God has a plan for you and your finances. Many discover that they thrive when they live open handed with all they possess—whether a little or a lot. Giving is more than just obedience­—it’s an act of faith in God. As we develop a habit of cheerful generosity, our faith grows.

  • If that’s you, we are here to support you. We want you to know we love YOU, not your money! As your church family, we want to empower you to use your gift wisely so you can exercise your generosity in areas that will make a difference for God’s Kingdom. To learn about upcoming ways to connect with others who share your spiritual gift, contact John Corpstein, Stewardship Pastor.

  • We want to connect with and support you, too! SBC offers resources to help you manage your income and spending so you have the freedom to live without anxiety and worry, and so you have enough to invest and give to the causes you care about.

    Whatever season you’re in and whatever your spiritual gifting, we want to come alongside you to support you in making wise, godly decisions about your spending, investing, and giving. We’re here to support you with resources that will help you achieve your goals, learn about tax advantages, and use what God has entrusted to you for His glory. 

    Finally, if you believe the Church is the hope of the world through Jesus, and if you agree with the mission and work of SBC, we invite you to support the ministry God has called us to across our Valley and around the world!

    “Abundance isn't God's provision for me to live in luxury. It's his provision for me to help others live.”  – Randy Alcorn

MortarStone Legacy Workshops

Discover more about financial and stewardship topics by attending a series of Personal & Legacy Design Workshops at SBC hosted by the professionals at MortarStone, LLC.

The five free workshops will be offered on Wednesday, October 30, and Thursday, October 31, 9am-2:30pm, at our Shea Campus.   

For The Valley

For the Valley is a 10-year vision that began in April 2022 focused on extending the love of Jesus to our city by making a difference in foster care, supporting other churches, and launching SBC campuses to reach new neighborhoods.

Creative and Legacy Giving

Discover how using creative strategies in your gift planning can exponentially expand God’s Kingdom and build a legacy for you or your family. Creative giving options are plentiful, and a creative gift plan allows you to distribute your assets to ministries that God has put on your heart, resulting in a greater impact for His Kingdom.  

  • Non-cash options that produce income

  • Donor advised funds

  • Charitable gift annuities

  • Charitable Remainder Trust

  • Pooled Income Fund

Creative Giving Opportunities

  • Securities or Stocks

  • Real Estate or Personal Property

  • Retirement Plans, Assets, IRAs

  • Life Insurance

  • Bequests

Other Ways to Give


You may give in person at any campus during our weekend services or mail a gift to our main offices.

Scottsdale Bible Church
Attn: Finance
7601 E. Shea Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260


Scottsdale Bible Church has a partnership with The Great Commission Foundation in Canada to enable Canadian citizens to receive a tax deduction on their Canadian tax return.

Your Giving Changes Lives!

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7

By managing our resources with stewardship, we fulfill our calling as followers of Jesus and invest in an eternal legacy beyond material comfort. The Stewardship Ministry provides education and support through various groups and resources. Contact us for personalized assistance!

Mobile App Giving

Make your gift recurring, view your giving profile, and more!

Need Prayer or Care?

More About Giving