Galatians 6:11-18 | Jamie Rasmussen
Having clarity around a biblical worldview gives us insight into our identity, our purpose, and the transformative power of God's love and grace in our lives. This message looks at the profound love God demonstrated in creating us, the brokenness we’ve experienced because of our rebellion, and God’s grace that offers us restoration through Jesus.
Galatians 6:6-10 | Ryan Goble
A true principle in life is that whatever we plant (sow), we will harvest (reap)! So, it’s always good to examine what things we’re sowing in our personal and spiritual lives—and whether they are focused on reaping temporary happiness or eternal fruit. Hope is the result when we plant and feed the right seeds!
Galatians 5:24-26 | Jamie Rasmussen
How are we to love those around us? A meaningful way to demonstrate true Christ-like love is to bear another person’s burdens. This message in Galatians 6 unpacks how we can do this by entering into the struggles of others and caring for them in wisdom, humility, and love.
Galatians 5:24-26 | Rustin Rossello
Discover how to let go of the complicated chaos of do’s and don’ts and embrace the freedom and joy found in walking with God. By focusing on Jesus and allowing Him to lead us, we can experience power over our sinfulness and see the fruit of the Spirit flourish in our lives as we can become living testimonies of God's abundant life.
Galatians 5:16-23 | Jamie Rasmussen
In a world filled with wars and conflicts, we often overlook the most crucial battle: the war within our souls. This message explores how our actions reflect the ongoing struggle between the desires of the flesh and the Spirit's leading—and how we can achieve victory as we fight the good fight with wisdom and discernment.
Galatians 5:1-15 | Rustin Rasmussen
Discover the liberating truth that freedom in Jesus doesn't give us license to live recklessly, but rather empowers us to live victoriously in obedience and love. This message explores the dangers of legalism and other views that threaten our spiritual growth and celebrates the transformative power of God’s grace in our lives.
Galatians 4:21-31 | Jamie Rasmussen
How often do we rely on our own efforts to make things work out in life rather than trusting in God’s provision and plans? This message looks at how Abraham and his family did just that and created some messy situations. The spiritual truths they learned about self-salvation can easily be applied in own lives.
Galatians 4:12-20 | Jamie Rasmussen
Five things that we might want to be fostering in our own lives and in our relationships if we want those we love to hear us.
Galatians 4:1-7 | Jamie Rasmussen
Believers in Jesus are living under grace, not the law, and God expects us to grow in maturity under that grace, not focus on the elementary principles of the world. Pastor Jamie shares four things in this message that can reveal whether we have some growing up to do in our faith.
Galatians 4:8-11 | Jamie Rasmussen
The gospel of Jesus is open to everyone. It’s more inclusive than any other religion, but it’s also exclusive in its truth claims that Jesus is the only way to God. This message unpacks why this is true and why it doesn’t make logical sense to go back to the world’s version of truth.