Ridge Campus

Service Times:
Sundays: 9am | 11am

6363 E Dynamite Blvd,
Cave Creek, AZ 85331


We’re glad you’re here!

As a church, we're not just about Sundays; we want to encourage each other to have an active faith that impacts our everyday lives. Our mission is to support you as you bring your faith into your home, work, and community. We're all about making a difference and bringing the love and compassion of Christ to those who need it most.

Ryan Heath

Campus Pastor

Tanner Hudson

Associate Campus Pastor

Seye Akinwande

Worship Pastor

Your kids are important to us!

Nursery (birth-age 3)
Discovery Kids (ages 4-5th grade)

Your students will love it here, too!

JHM (Grades 6-8)
Sundays | 11-12pm
Sundays | 5-7:30pm

HSM (Grades 9-12)
Sundays | 5-7:30pm

Young Adults (YA) (Ages 18-33)

Thursdays, Weekly | 7-10pm | Shea YTH 1

What’s Happening at North Ridge…

Foster Care Tax Credit

Support Gigi’s Cottage with your tax dollars by April 15.

Women’s Spring Studies & Gather


Tuesdays, Weekly | 6:30-8pm | YTH 1

Singles (Ages 30s and 40s)

Second Mondays of the month, April 14, May 12, June 9 | 6:30-9pm | Shea YTH 1

Women’s Spring Retreat

April 4–6 | Lost Canyon, Williams

Men’s Retreat

April 25–27 | Lost Canyon, Williams

Discovery Kids VBS

June 9–13 | North Ridge Campus


June 16–20 | Shea Campus

March 3–June 30
Church on Monday

8–10am | YTH 9-12
Mondays, Weekly
Sign Up

March 3–June 23
Prayer Group
3–4pm | MC 1
Mondays, Weekly

March 3–June 2
Vision for the Nations
6:30–8:15pm | Shea MC 9
1st Mondays, Monthly

March 4–May 20
Living Faith Bible Study (55+)
12:30–2pm | MC 1
Tuesdays, Weekly

March 5–May 7
55+ Revelation – A Study of the End Days (Women)
9–10:30am | YTH 6-8
Wednesdays, Weekly

March 6–June 26
Men’s Bible Study
6:30–7:30am | MC 2
Thursdays, Weekly

March 6–June 26
Prayer Group
9–10am | MC 2
Thursdays, Weekly

March 13–April 24
Foster, Kinship, and Adoption Support Group
6–8pm | Shea MC 6
Thursdays, Bi-Weekly

March 15–May 10
Reigning Grace Ranch
8–10:30am | Off Campus
Saturdays, Monthly

April 1–June 24
Men’s Bible Study
8–9:15am | MC 2
Tuesdays, Weekly

Saturday, April 5
Singles Hike
8–11am | Off Campus

Saturday, April 5
Men’s Forge Feast
5:30–7:30pm | Off Campus

April 6, May 4
All-Church BBQ
12:30pm | Courtyard
Sundays, Monthly

April 7–June 2
Men’s Discipleship Cohort
4–6:30pm | MC 3
Monday's, Weekly

Saturday, April 12
Fathering at All Ages
(Men’s Forge AM Breakfast)

8–9:30am | YTH 9-12

Wednesday, April 16
Family Focus – Journey to the Cross
6–7pm | Courtyard

Wednesday, April 16
Passover Seder
6pm | Shea Venue

Tuesday, April 22
Special Ministries Year-End BBQ
4:30–7:30pm | Off Campus

Saturday, April 26
Special Ministries One Meal Packing Event
9:30am–12pm | Shea YTH 1

Sunday, April 27
Connecting Point
11am & 12pm | DK Building

April 28, May 26, June 30
Church on Monday Serving
8am–12pm | Off Campus
Mondays, Monthly

Friday, May 2
55+ Event – Bingo and Dinner
6:00–8:00pm | YTH 9-12
$20/per person

Monday, May 5
Pre-Foster and Adoption Support Group
6–8pm | Shea MC 6

Friday, May 9
Foster Care and Adoption Parents’ Night Out
4–8pm | Shea Campus

Saturday, May 10
Feed My Starving Children
(Groups Serving Event)

9am–12pm | Off Campus

May 17, June 21
Men’s Forge AM Breakfast
7–8:15am | YTH 9-12
Saturdays, Monthly

Sunday, May 18
Membership Class
11am–12pm | MC 1

New Here? Know Where To Go

Current Series


