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Forgetting to Remember
A few times a year, my mom comes to visit from Central Illinois, an incredibly flat part ...
Power in a Name
One of the easiest conversions to the faith I’ve ever experienced was with a man named Gift. I met him walking ...
A Quiet Place
I am always amazed when I read the Gospels and the accounts of the life of Jesus. If I am careful and prayerful ...
Eat Together
Novelty. It is “something new or unusual,” something that breaks into our “normal” and adds new ...
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Every year, I find myself returning to a section of Scripture that consistently revitalizes my spiritual journey. From time to time, ...
Resolutions Fade but Habits Endure
As the New Year begins, many of us find ourselves thinking about resolutions. We dream about fitness goals, career aspirations, or plans to ...
Embracing Rest in a Busy Christmas Season
The Christmas season brings with it a unique kind of joy—but also a unique kind of chaos. Between decorating ...
Does Thankfulness Come Easy?
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving next week, it’s helpful to remember where it all began ...
Unseen Sacrifices: A Reflection on Veterans Day and Service
Veterans Day came to be after the armistice agreement that ended World War I was signed on November 11, 1918 ...
Being Christ's Light in Crazy Times
We live in a time when many norms feel upside down—lies are truths and truths are lies, and we are left wondering ...
Life & The Great Commandment
Followers of Jesus are called to love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. So, what if we looked at the issue of...
Strong Minds, Strong Faith
During college, I worked for the Youth Probation Department in Huntington, Indiana, where I encountered young people navigating not just legal …
Giving is Good
When I was an intern in Chicago during seminary, I had to personally raise funds for my salary. It was more money than I had ever needed …
Serving Through Work: A Christian Perspective on Labor Day
Growing up in my home, Labor Day usually marked the end of summer. School started a week or two afterward, so it was the last time …
Embracing God’s Call to Love and Serve Others
We often hear the words “Love God and Love Others” but move past them quickly, not really stopping long enough...
Lessons on Parenting from TGIF
I’m pretty sure I learned a lot about marriage, family, and parenting from the “Thank Goodness It’s Friday” (TGIF) sitcom lineups...
Knowing Freedom Part 2: The Pursuit of Happiness
“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...
Knowing Freedom Part 1: Life and Liberty
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...
Navigating Fatherhood
I was struck by something late one special night. It was January 25, 2011. My daughter had just been born, and I became acutely aware of a shift...
Remembering vs. Not Forgetting
What’s the difference between remembering, and not forgetting? That’s the question I started …
When it comes to spending time with the Lord, I struggle with prayer the most. I don’t know how many of you struggle…