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Women's Studies | Spring 2025

Mornings and evenings, starting the week of January 27 

We believe women grow spiritually when they spend time studying the Bible together. We have several options to choose from at our Cactus, Fountain Hills, North Ridge, and Shea campuses, as well as online. Come join us—there is a seat saved just for you!

All women are welcome to join us for Worship & the Word every Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Check your campus below for more details!

Follow us for more information and updates!

Instagram: @scottsdalebiblewomen
You Version Bible App

Save the Dates:

Spring 2025 Women’s Retreat | April 4–6 | Lost Canyon, Williams AZ

Cactus Campus

  • *Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 5 years or younger

    Worship & the Word: 9-9:30am | Family Life Building YTH Rm 1
    Everyone is welcome to join us for a time of worship, encouragement from God’s Word, and prayer before classes start.

    Marriage, Motherhood, and More
    Teacher: Lee Sumner | Cost: $25 

    Using The Intentional Woman: Pursuing a Heart of Wisdom study, based on Titus 2:3-5, we will explore what it means to pursue a heart of wisdom as a wife and a mother as we study the successes and failures of women of the Bible. This year-long study is a continuation from fall, but each lesson stands alone offering a chance to grow in faith and connect with moms and mentors all year.


    You Can Understand Revelation by Jen Wilkin
    Teacher: Dalene Uphaus | Cost: $25

    Revelation shouldn't leave us fearful or confused, but its imagery and concepts often confound our modern ears. If all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, we should assume Revelation is just as accessible and helpful as other books in the Bible. This verse-by-verse study will help us see how Revelation offers assurance and endurance to the Church in every age.


  • *Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 5 years or younger 

    Luke in the Land by Kristi McLelland 
    Teacher: Carol Gaulden | Cost: $25 

    Gain a deeper understanding of common stories retold from a first-century point of view, giving new perspective. Through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel, you will behold the Gospel of Luke in a whole new way.


  • *Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 5 years or younger

    Grace in Chaos: Biblical Hope for the Hard Days of Motherhood
    Teacher: Brooke Hellestrae  | Cost: $25

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed as a mom— struggling with anxiety, despair or comparison?  Many of us do, and thankfully we do not walk alone. God is always present in our motherhood, gently strengthening, helping and restoring us, and within community, we find encouraging support from our sisters in Christ.


Fountain Hills Campus

* All classes are held at the Fountain Hills Ministry Center (16811 E. El Pueblo Blvd.)

  • Love in Chaos by Bob Goff
    Every other Monday, starting January 20 | 9-10am | Discovery Kids
    Teachers: Barb Ellis and Dr. Veronica Gatling

    Moms—we don’t have to look far to see division in our world. In many ways, we are confused, angry, and disillusioned by all the chaos we’re experiencing. How should we respond and what does it look like to live faithfully in these strange and challenging times?


    Tour of the Bible | 9-10am
    Teacher: Lauren Locker | Cost: $10 

    Is the Bible a puzzle to you? Do you understand certain pieces, but wish you knew how it all fits together? In this study, you will learn how to tell someone what the Bible is all about in three minutes or less and gain a deeper understanding of Jesus. Whether you are new to the Bible or have studied it for years, your eyes will be opened to God’s message in His Word. Ending on Feb 10.


    Victorious: How to Prepare for Spiritual Warfare and Win the Battle by David Jeremiah | 10-11:30am
    Teachers: Dr. Veronica Gatling and Valarie King | Cost: $25

    How can we prepare for spiritual warfare and win the battle over the trials, tribulations and disruptions in our spiritual lives that so often affect who we are and what we do? Discover how to triumph over adversity and enjoy a victorious life despite what is going on in the world or in your life.


  • *Childcare not available 

    The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
    Teachers: Nancy Marcacci and Tina Hoops | Cost: $25 

    Experience a revolution of radical generosity and freedom from materialism. This book study will bring challenges from God about our stewardship and provide answers to frequently asked questions. Discover how joyful giving brings God glory.


  • The Women of Easter by Liz Curtis Higgs Starting Feb 11 | 9:30-11:30am
    Teachers: Merrilee Thomas and Faye Holdren | Cost: $25

    We will view Easter through the eyes of three women named Mary who had life-changing encounters with Jesus: Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene. What a trio, what a Savior!


    After the Boxes Are Unpacked by Susan Miller | 1-2:30pm
    Teacher: Jody Sullins | Cost: $25

    When women are uprooted by a move, it's common to feel lonely, discouraged, and invisible. This study will show you how you can adapt, feel connected, and thrive after a move. The biblical principles and practical application will encourage you to let go and trust God, start over with hope, and move forward in faith.


    Rooted | 1:30-3:30pm
    Teacher: Denise Cooper | Cost: $40*

    Rooted is a ten-week small group experience that focuses on seven important rhythms that will transform your walk with Jesus as you integrate them into your life.   

    We graciously ask that you commit to attending the class, as space is limited to 16 participants. Please only register if you will not miss more than two sessions.

    *The class fee covers the book as well as a meal at our celebration ceremony. 


    Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancey | 2:30-4:30pm
    Teacher: Barb Whitehead | Cost: $25

    Prayer probes the very heartbeat of our relationship with God, but what is prayer? Does it change God's mind or ours or both? This book is an invitation to communicate with God the Father who invites us into an eternal partnership through prayer.  


  • * Childcare not available 

    Revelation, Part 2
    Teachers: Kris Mullholland and Brigita Verster | Cost: $25 

    In the second part of our series on Revelation, we will observe a comprehensive analysis of apocalyptic visions revealing God's ultimate sovereignty, the final judgment, and the promise of a new heaven and new earth. Part of a four-part Precept study, this stand-alone study emphasizes themes of hope, perseverance, and divine justice.


  • Empty: An Invitation to be Filled
    Teachers: Dr. Veronica Gatling and Tammy Cozzi | Cost: $25  

    In Philippians 2:7, the Bible tells us that Jesus emptied Himself. This class is an invitation to experience the ultimate exchange of all the cares of this world to be filled by God Himself.  Participate in the whole-body experience (optional) of stretching, exercise and prayer. 


North Ridge Campus

  • *Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 6th grade and younger 

    Worship and the Word | 9-9:30am | YTH 9-12

    Everyone is welcome to join us for a time of worship, encouragement from God’s Word, and prayer before classes start. 

    Another Gospel by Alisa Childers
    Teachers: Mimi Crook, Andrea Crook & Andrea Choate | Cost: $25

    In a culture of endless questions, you need solid answers. If you or someone you love has encountered the ideas of progressive Christianity and aren’t sure how to respond, Alisa’s journey will show you how to determine―and rest in―what’s unmistakably true.


    God of Covenant by Jen Wilkin 
    Teachers: Bev Murray and Beth Yakel | Cost: $25 

    Through this study of Genesis 12-50, a sequel to God of Creation, we will discover how God is working everything together for His glory and for the good of His people. As we walk through the stories of the fathers of our faith—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph—we will learn to see Jesus on every page and discover how God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.


    Knowing Freedom
    Teacher: Jolie Monea | Cost: $30 

    God has an incredible purpose for us in this life, and we get to know and love the God of the universe, and even participate in His plans as we spread His fame throughout the earth. Jesus promised us abundant life and joy not dependent on life circumstances, yet life in this fallen world is harsh, and trouble abounds. It’s easy to become weighed down with worries, defeat, past hurts, hopelessness, and other bondages that can dull or block our intimacy with Christ and make us feel stuck. This class will give us new tools to dismantle strongholds and live fully free in His power and purposes. The goal is transformation, and the time is now!

    This class uses the Knowing Freedom book. If you already purchased a copy, use the code knowingfreedom at checkout.  

    We graciously ask that participants commit to attending the class, as space is limited. Please only register if you will not miss more than two sessions.


    Women at the Well
    Teacher: Heather Wills | Cost: $25 

    Each week, we will gather as women of biblical times did at the well. However, instead of filling jars of water, we will gather to obtain “Living Water” by digging into God’s Word. Together, we will discover and grow by “meeting” a different woman of the Bible each week.


  • *Childcare not available 

    Women at the Well 
    Teacher: Heather Wills | Cost: $25 

    Each week we will gather as women of biblical times did at the well. However, instead of filling jars of water, we will gather to obtain “Living Water” by digging into God’s Word. Together, we will discover and grow by “meeting” a different woman of the Bible each week. Please join us for a light meal at 6:15pm before the study begins.


    Romans: An in-depth look at the Gospel of Christ
    Teacher: Teri Colvin | Cost: $30

    The book of Romans is the clearest and most in-depth look at the gospel in all of Scripture.  It is a book written to Christians to increase their understanding of the gospel, the power of salvation! The gospel is like a well;, you do not get the best water by going wider but by going deeper. 


    Knowing Freedom
    Teacher: Jolie Monea | Cost: $30 

    God has an incredible purpose for us in this life, and we get to know and love the God of the universe, and even participate in His plans as we spread His fame throughout the earth. Jesus promised us abundant life and joy not dependent on life circumstances, yet life in this fallen world is harsh, and trouble abounds. It’s easy to become weighed down with worries, defeat, past hurts, hopelessness, and other bondages that can dull or block our intimacy with Christ and make us feel stuck. This class will give us new tools to dismantle strongholds and live fully free in His power and purposes. The goal is transformation, and the time is now!

    This class uses the Knowing Freedom book. If you already purchased a copy, use the code knowingfreedom at checkout.  

    We graciously ask that participants commit to attending the class, as space is limited. Please only register if you will not miss more than two sessions.


  • *Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 6th grade and younger

    Purposeful Motherhood: M is for Mama
    Teacher: Mimi Crook | Cost: $25  

    In this study, we will rebel against mediocre motherhood by applying biblical love and wisdom to parenting our children for God’s glory.


Shea Campus

  • *Childcare not available 

    What Happens Next by Max Lucado
    Teacher: Helen Tadlock | Cost: $25 

    With so much unrest in this world, we would all like a roadmap to “what happens next.”  Max Lucado presents an in-depth biblical exploration of the end of the age, and the hope we have as believers as we watch for Christ's return.


  • *Childcare not available 

    Teacher: Peggy Johnson | Cost: $15

    This is a time for community with other moms and will include Bible verse memorization, fellowship, class discussion, and prayer.


  • Worship and the Word | 9-9:30am | Grace Chapel

    Everyone is welcome to join us for a time of worship, encouragement from God’s Word, and prayer before classes start. 

    After the Boxes Are Unpacked by Susan Miller 
    Teacher: Susan Miller | Cost: $25 

    When women are uprooted by a move, it's common to feel lonely, discouraged, and invisible. This study will show you how you can adapt, feel connected, and thrive after a move. The biblical principles and practical application will encourage you to let go and trust God, start over with hope, and move forward in faith.


    Prayer, Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancy
    Teacher: Barb Whitehead | Cost: $25 

    Prayer probes the very heartbeat of our relationship with God, but what is prayer? Does it change God's mind or ours or both? This book is an invitation to communicate with God the Father who invites us into an eternal partnership through prayer.


    The Book of Revelation
    Teacher: Judy Clouse | Cost: $15 

    The last 22 chapters of the Bible all focus on our Lord Jesus Christ. From letters to the seven churches, to details of heavenly scenes and amazing descriptions of events yet to occur, we’ll go verse-by-verse through this amazing prophetic book that all Christians should study.


    The Glory of God (Continued)
    Teacher: Cathy Wilson | Cost: $15  

    What does Scripture teach about the glory of God? Join us as we behold God in His manifested glory throughout the Bible as we come to grips with understanding how to live in the presence of Almighty God and glorify Him! We will continue to study His Glory as we read and discuss Jesus' Second Coming.


  • *Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 6th grade and younger

    8 Coping Skills that Will Change Your Life by Gina Yanovitch
    Teacher: Gina Yanovitch | Cost $25

    In this study, you will learn the power of neuroscience, Scripture, and practical skills to cope with life's most difficult issues. We will be learning from Gina’s book and through discussion questions in community.


  • *Childcare available with registration, $60 per family for children 5 years or younger

    More Freedom
    Teacher: Deb Pirtle | Cost: $30 

    We are created to live a life of abundance and freedom. In this class, we will address more areas of life where strongholds can occur, and find victory in God’s wisdom, power, and authority.

    Prerequisite: Must have gone through the Living Free or Knowing Freedom class.


    Love, Grace, and Boundaries: Moms of Adults
    Teachers: Gail Schuknecht and Cindy Bartlett | Cost: $15 

    Come find encouragement in relational intimacy with God and one another as we take on the challenges and blessings in this season of life.


    Moms of Five and Under (Bi-monthly)
    Teachers: Jill Kotter and Mary Beth Gasser | Cost: $15  

    As moms of littles (5 and under), it is so easy to find our focus straying from Jesus to the many distractions we face each day, but in Jesus, we can find rest for our weary souls! You will get inspiration from topical speakers, encouragement from mentors, and practical tools.

    This class meets on second and fourth Thursdays, starting February 14.


    Grace Based Woman (Bi-monthly)
    Teachers: Amy Cavness and Sonia Cleverly | Cost: $15  

    Moms of all ages and stages are invited to join in this study aimed at helping us live a Christ-centered, counter-culture life in our roles as women, wives, and mothers!

    This class meets on the first and third Thursday of the month, starting February 6.


    Special Needs Parenting (Bi-monthly)
    Teacher: Carolyn Meyers | Cost: $15  

    Are you a special needs parent? Have you wondered if you will ever laugh again? Share in meaningful conversation with other moms just like you. Learn more about the True Source of joy and strength. You'll come to realize you are not alone and joy can still be yours.

    This class meets on first and third Thursdays, starting February 6.



  • What Happens Next by Max Lucado
    Teacher: Helen Tadlock | Cost: $10

    With so much unrest in this world, we would all like a roadmap to “what happens next.”  Max Lucado presents an in-depth biblical exploration of the end of the age, and the hope we have as believers as we watch for Christ's return.


  • Knowing Freedom 
    Teacher: Dr. Veronica Gatling | Cost: $10

    God has an incredible purpose for us in this life, and we get to know and love the God of the universe, and even participate in His plans as we spread His fame throughout the earth. Jesus promised us abundant life and joy not dependent on life circumstances, yet life in this fallen world is harsh, and trouble abounds. It’s easy to become weighed down with worries, defeat, past hurts, hopelessness, and other bondages that can dull or block our intimacy with Christ and make us feel stuck. This class will give us new tools to dismantle strongholds and live fully free in His power and purposes. The goal is transformation, and the time is now! 

    This class uses the Knowing Freedom book. You will need to purchase this at the SBC bookstore or online prior to the class.

    We graciously ask that participants commit to attending the class, as space is limited to 10 participants. Please only register if you will not miss more than two sessions.


March 25
