Upcoming Events
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Serve Our City Food Drive
March 9 & 16 | Before, during, and after services | Parking lot, All Campuses
This spring, we’re offering a way for you to share hope with families across the Valley. Each campus is gathering food and other items for their local food banks to help families in need. View a list of needed food and other items below and drop off donated items no later than March 16 to be given out by our food bank partners.
Extended Hands Food Bank – This food bank near SBC Fountain Hills, serves Fountain Hills, Scottsdale, Rio Verde, and Fort McDowell Reservation. Volunteers prepare hundreds of food boxes filled with items to help more than 300 families per month make great meals at home. Families can also pick up bread, dairy, and meat donated by local grocery stores.
Foothills Food Bank – This food bank near SBC North Ridge serves the foothills area north of the loop 101 including Cave Creek, Carefree, New River, and Black Canyon City. Last year, they had more than 29,140 visits to their community pantries which is a 53% increase since 2021. 1,882,930 total pounds of food was collected for distribution in 2024. In partnership with Foothills Caring Corps, they deliver 18 food baskets to home-bound seniors each week. More than 15,000 meals were distributed to students through the weekend snack pack program.
PV Community Food Bank – This food bank near SBC Cactus serves people experiencing food insecurities living within the 98 sq. mile boundaries of the Paradise Valley Unified School District (PVUSD). The food bank’s Weekend Food4Kids Program provides healthy, easy weekend meals for more than 750 students attending PVUSD Title 1 schools each week of the school year.
Harvest Compassion Center - At this local food and clothing bank near SBC Shea, individuals and families can shop for food items, hygiene products, baby items, and clothing free of charge. It is set up like a mini-mart and clothing boutique, and volunteers help guests shop for needed items. Groups can also stock food and hygiene items, sort clothing, bag socks, make hygiene bags for homeless guests, iron, clean, etc. In 2024, HCC served 95,140 individuals and will exceed that number in 2025, distributing 600,000 pounds of food, hygiene, and baby items!
Food Donations List
Please limit donations to the following most needed items. All items should be unopened and unexpired:
Rice – white or brown
Peanut butter and jelly (plastic jar)
Beans – all types, canned or dry
Boxed meals (tuna helper, etc.)
Canned chicken or tuna
Canned fruit or vegetables
Pasta and pasta sauce (plastic jar)
Granola/Cereal bars
Cereal – boxed/bagged
The need for non-perishable food and hygiene items is year-round, and these organizations rely on the support of local churches and organizations to meet the demands. They also offer assistance for long-term solutions and help identify and address deeper life issues.
Thank you for helping to bring the joy and hope of Jesus to kids and families in our city and across Arizona.
If you have questions, please contact localoutreach@scottsdalebible.com or call 480.824.7200.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: All items are due before or on Sunday, March 16. Look for the collection bins or a truck at your campus. You can drop the items off on Sundays, March 9 and 16.
A: You are free to purchase any of the listed items and donate them at your SBC campus.
A: You can donate money to one of the partners by giving directly on their website or mailing a check to them. Scottsdale Bible Church is unable to process checks or cash donations designated for other non-profits.
A: No. Our food banks are experts in providing healthy, non-expired food for families in need. We trust them, so please only donate what is on the approved list and is not about to expire.
A: Arizona produces 12% of the nation’s fruits and vegetables (third in the country) yet 1 in 7 Arizonans struggles with food insecurity, the occasional or constant lack of access to food. In Arizona, nearly 30% of our neighbors are considered working poor, living on low wages that barely cover housing, medical costs, and other basic necessities. Many are just one job loss or medical crisis away from food insecurity; and children, seniors, and rural Arizonans face the greatest risk.

God Owns it All
Sundays, March 9 – April 13 | 10:45-11:45am | Shea MC3
Are you ready to discover greater contentment, freedom, and confidence in your finances? This new class from the Ron Blue Institute will address your most pressing money questions using principles grounded in Scripture and proven in the marketplace. This isn’t just about managing money—it’s about transforming your financial and spiritual life. You’ll walk away with practical strategies that will empower you to live, give, owe, and grow your money with confidence and peace. Don’t miss this opportunity to take control of your financial future!
*Children can participate in Discovery Kids while you attend this class.

Church on Mondays Serve Team
This SBC North Ridge team is passionate about taking what we learn on Sundays and putting it into practice on Mondays! We serve in three ways:
Mondays | 8-9:30am | North Ridge YTH 9-12
We tackle projects like assembling basic hygiene and cleaning kits for people experiencing homelessness and for those transitioning back to society after incarceration. We create Operation Christmas Child gifts and pack shoeboxes, make blankets for children in need, prepare North Ridge VBS crafts, and complete many other projects to support the campus and community.
Fourth Mondays | 8-9:30am | Christian Family Care Thrift Store
Sort merchandise, clean and organize, help customers, and have fun!
We often volunteer with local partners as a group. Joining this team is a great opportunity to experience community while serving others. All are welcome!

Women's Studies | Spring 2025
Mornings and evenings, starting the week of January 27
We believe women grow spiritually when they spend time studying the Bible together. We have several options to choose from at our Cactus, Fountain Hills, North Ridge, and Shea campuses, as well as online. Come join us—there is a seat saved just for you!
All women are welcome to join us for Worship & the Word every Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Check your campus below for more details!
Follow us for more information and updates!
Instagram: @scottsdalebiblewomen
Facebook: ScottsdaleBibleWomen
You Version Bible App
Save the Dates:
Spring 2025 Women’s Retreat | April 4–6 | Lost Canyon, Williams AZ
Cactus Campus
*Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 5 years or younger
Worship & the Word: 9-9:30am | Family Life Building YTH Rm 1
Everyone is welcome to join us for a time of worship, encouragement from God’s Word, and prayer before classes start.Marriage, Motherhood, and More
Teacher: Lee Sumner | Cost: $25Using The Intentional Woman: Pursuing a Heart of Wisdom study, based on Titus 2:3-5, we will explore what it means to pursue a heart of wisdom as a wife and a mother as we study the successes and failures of women of the Bible. This year-long study is a continuation from fall, but each lesson stands alone offering a chance to grow in faith and connect with moms and mentors all year.
You Can Understand Revelation by Jen Wilkin
Teacher: Dalene Uphaus | Cost: $25Revelation shouldn't leave us fearful or confused, but its imagery and concepts often confound our modern ears. If all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable, we should assume Revelation is just as accessible and helpful as other books in the Bible. This verse-by-verse study will help us see how Revelation offers assurance and endurance to the Church in every age.
*Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 5 years or younger
Luke in the Land by Kristi McLelland
Teacher: Carol Gaulden | Cost: $25Gain a deeper understanding of common stories retold from a first-century point of view, giving new perspective. Through teaching videos that take you to locations in Israel, you will behold the Gospel of Luke in a whole new way.
*Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 5 years or younger
Grace in Chaos: Biblical Hope for the Hard Days of Motherhood
Teacher: Brooke Hellestrae | Cost: $25Do you ever feel overwhelmed as a mom— struggling with anxiety, despair or comparison? Many of us do, and thankfully we do not walk alone. God is always present in our motherhood, gently strengthening, helping and restoring us, and within community, we find encouraging support from our sisters in Christ.
Fountain Hills Campus
* All classes are held at the Fountain Hills Ministry Center (16811 E. El Pueblo Blvd.)
Love in Chaos by Bob Goff
Every other Monday, starting January 20 | 9-10am | Discovery Kids
Teachers: Barb Ellis and Dr. Veronica GatlingMoms—we don’t have to look far to see division in our world. In many ways, we are confused, angry, and disillusioned by all the chaos we’re experiencing. How should we respond and what does it look like to live faithfully in these strange and challenging times?
Tour of the Bible | 9-10am
Teacher: Lauren Locker | Cost: $10Is the Bible a puzzle to you? Do you understand certain pieces, but wish you knew how it all fits together? In this study, you will learn how to tell someone what the Bible is all about in three minutes or less and gain a deeper understanding of Jesus. Whether you are new to the Bible or have studied it for years, your eyes will be opened to God’s message in His Word. Ending on Feb 10.
Victorious: How to Prepare for Spiritual Warfare and Win the Battle by David Jeremiah | 10-11:30am
Teachers: Dr. Veronica Gatling and Valarie King | Cost: $25How can we prepare for spiritual warfare and win the battle over the trials, tribulations and disruptions in our spiritual lives that so often affect who we are and what we do? Discover how to triumph over adversity and enjoy a victorious life despite what is going on in the world or in your life.
*Childcare not available
The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
Teachers: Nancy Marcacci and Tina Hoops | Cost: $25Experience a revolution of radical generosity and freedom from materialism. This book study will bring challenges from God about our stewardship and provide answers to frequently asked questions. Discover how joyful giving brings God glory.
The Women of Easter by Liz Curtis Higgs Starting Feb 11 | 9:30-11:30am
Teachers: Merrilee Thomas and Faye Holdren | Cost: $25We will view Easter through the eyes of three women named Mary who had life-changing encounters with Jesus: Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene. What a trio, what a Savior!
After the Boxes Are Unpacked by Susan Miller | 1-2:30pm
Teacher: Jody Sullins | Cost: $25When women are uprooted by a move, it's common to feel lonely, discouraged, and invisible. This study will show you how you can adapt, feel connected, and thrive after a move. The biblical principles and practical application will encourage you to let go and trust God, start over with hope, and move forward in faith.
Rooted | 1:30-3:30pm
Teacher: Denise Cooper | Cost: $40*Rooted is a ten-week small group experience that focuses on seven important rhythms that will transform your walk with Jesus as you integrate them into your life.
We graciously ask that you commit to attending the class, as space is limited to 16 participants. Please only register if you will not miss more than two sessions.
*The class fee covers the book as well as a meal at our celebration ceremony.
Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancey | 2:30-4:30pm
Teacher: Barb Whitehead | Cost: $25Prayer probes the very heartbeat of our relationship with God, but what is prayer? Does it change God's mind or ours or both? This book is an invitation to communicate with God the Father who invites us into an eternal partnership through prayer.
* Childcare not available
Revelation, Part 2
Teachers: Kris Mullholland and Brigita Verster | Cost: $25In the second part of our series on Revelation, we will observe a comprehensive analysis of apocalyptic visions revealing God's ultimate sovereignty, the final judgment, and the promise of a new heaven and new earth. Part of a four-part Precept study, this stand-alone study emphasizes themes of hope, perseverance, and divine justice.
Empty: An Invitation to be Filled
Teachers: Dr. Veronica Gatling and Tammy Cozzi | Cost: $25In Philippians 2:7, the Bible tells us that Jesus emptied Himself. This class is an invitation to experience the ultimate exchange of all the cares of this world to be filled by God Himself. Participate in the whole-body experience (optional) of stretching, exercise and prayer.
North Ridge Campus
*Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 6th grade and younger
Worship and the Word | 9-9:30am | YTH 9-12
Everyone is welcome to join us for a time of worship, encouragement from God’s Word, and prayer before classes start.
Another Gospel by Alisa Childers
Teachers: Mimi Crook, Andrea Crook & Andrea Choate | Cost: $25In a culture of endless questions, you need solid answers. If you or someone you love has encountered the ideas of progressive Christianity and aren’t sure how to respond, Alisa’s journey will show you how to determine―and rest in―what’s unmistakably true.
God of Covenant by Jen Wilkin
Teachers: Bev Murray and Beth Yakel | Cost: $25Through this study of Genesis 12-50, a sequel to God of Creation, we will discover how God is working everything together for His glory and for the good of His people. As we walk through the stories of the fathers of our faith—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph—we will learn to see Jesus on every page and discover how God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Knowing Freedom
Teacher: Jolie Monea | Cost: $30God has an incredible purpose for us in this life, and we get to know and love the God of the universe, and even participate in His plans as we spread His fame throughout the earth. Jesus promised us abundant life and joy not dependent on life circumstances, yet life in this fallen world is harsh, and trouble abounds. It’s easy to become weighed down with worries, defeat, past hurts, hopelessness, and other bondages that can dull or block our intimacy with Christ and make us feel stuck. This class will give us new tools to dismantle strongholds and live fully free in His power and purposes. The goal is transformation, and the time is now!
This class uses the Knowing Freedom book. If you already purchased a copy, use the code knowingfreedom at checkout.
We graciously ask that participants commit to attending the class, as space is limited. Please only register if you will not miss more than two sessions.
Women at the Well
Teacher: Heather Wills | Cost: $25Each week, we will gather as women of biblical times did at the well. However, instead of filling jars of water, we will gather to obtain “Living Water” by digging into God’s Word. Together, we will discover and grow by “meeting” a different woman of the Bible each week.
*Childcare not available
Women at the Well
Teacher: Heather Wills | Cost: $25Each week we will gather as women of biblical times did at the well. However, instead of filling jars of water, we will gather to obtain “Living Water” by digging into God’s Word. Together, we will discover and grow by “meeting” a different woman of the Bible each week. Please join us for a light meal at 6:15pm before the study begins.
Romans: An in-depth look at the Gospel of Christ
Teacher: Teri Colvin | Cost: $30The book of Romans is the clearest and most in-depth look at the gospel in all of Scripture. It is a book written to Christians to increase their understanding of the gospel, the power of salvation! The gospel is like a well;, you do not get the best water by going wider but by going deeper.
Knowing Freedom
Teacher: Jolie Monea | Cost: $30God has an incredible purpose for us in this life, and we get to know and love the God of the universe, and even participate in His plans as we spread His fame throughout the earth. Jesus promised us abundant life and joy not dependent on life circumstances, yet life in this fallen world is harsh, and trouble abounds. It’s easy to become weighed down with worries, defeat, past hurts, hopelessness, and other bondages that can dull or block our intimacy with Christ and make us feel stuck. This class will give us new tools to dismantle strongholds and live fully free in His power and purposes. The goal is transformation, and the time is now!
This class uses the Knowing Freedom book. If you already purchased a copy, use the code knowingfreedom at checkout.
We graciously ask that participants commit to attending the class, as space is limited. Please only register if you will not miss more than two sessions.
*Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 6th grade and younger
Purposeful Motherhood: M is for Mama
Teacher: Mimi Crook | Cost: $25In this study, we will rebel against mediocre motherhood by applying biblical love and wisdom to parenting our children for God’s glory.
Shea Campus
*Childcare not available
What Happens Next by Max Lucado
Teacher: Helen Tadlock | Cost: $25With so much unrest in this world, we would all like a roadmap to “what happens next.” Max Lucado presents an in-depth biblical exploration of the end of the age, and the hope we have as believers as we watch for Christ's return.
*Childcare not available
Teacher: Peggy Johnson | Cost: $15This is a time for community with other moms and will include Bible verse memorization, fellowship, class discussion, and prayer.
Worship and the Word | 9-9:30am | Grace Chapel
Everyone is welcome to join us for a time of worship, encouragement from God’s Word, and prayer before classes start.
After the Boxes Are Unpacked by Susan Miller
Teacher: Susan Miller | Cost: $25When women are uprooted by a move, it's common to feel lonely, discouraged, and invisible. This study will show you how you can adapt, feel connected, and thrive after a move. The biblical principles and practical application will encourage you to let go and trust God, start over with hope, and move forward in faith.
Prayer, Does It Make Any Difference? by Philip Yancy
Teacher: Barb Whitehead | Cost: $25Prayer probes the very heartbeat of our relationship with God, but what is prayer? Does it change God's mind or ours or both? This book is an invitation to communicate with God the Father who invites us into an eternal partnership through prayer.
The Book of Revelation
Teacher: Judy Clouse | Cost: $15The last 22 chapters of the Bible all focus on our Lord Jesus Christ. From letters to the seven churches, to details of heavenly scenes and amazing descriptions of events yet to occur, we’ll go verse-by-verse through this amazing prophetic book that all Christians should study.
The Glory of God (Continued)
Teacher: Cathy Wilson | Cost: $15What does Scripture teach about the glory of God? Join us as we behold God in His manifested glory throughout the Bible as we come to grips with understanding how to live in the presence of Almighty God and glorify Him! We will continue to study His Glory as we read and discuss Jesus' Second Coming.
*Childcare is available with registration, $60 per family for children 6th grade and younger
8 Coping Skills that Will Change Your Life by Gina Yanovitch
Teacher: Gina Yanovitch | Cost $25In this study, you will learn the power of neuroscience, Scripture, and practical skills to cope with life's most difficult issues. We will be learning from Gina’s book and through discussion questions in community.
*Childcare available with registration, $60 per family for children 5 years or younger
More Freedom
Teacher: Deb Pirtle | Cost: $30We are created to live a life of abundance and freedom. In this class, we will address more areas of life where strongholds can occur, and find victory in God’s wisdom, power, and authority.
Prerequisite: Must have gone through the Living Free or Knowing Freedom class.
Love, Grace, and Boundaries: Moms of Adults
Teachers: Gail Schuknecht and Cindy Bartlett | Cost: $15Come find encouragement in relational intimacy with God and one another as we take on the challenges and blessings in this season of life.
Moms of Five and Under (Bi-monthly)
Teachers: Jill Kotter and Mary Beth Gasser | Cost: $15As moms of littles (5 and under), it is so easy to find our focus straying from Jesus to the many distractions we face each day, but in Jesus, we can find rest for our weary souls! You will get inspiration from topical speakers, encouragement from mentors, and practical tools.
This class meets on second and fourth Thursdays, starting February 14.
Grace Based Woman (Bi-monthly)
Teachers: Amy Cavness and Sonia Cleverly | Cost: $15Moms of all ages and stages are invited to join in this study aimed at helping us live a Christ-centered, counter-culture life in our roles as women, wives, and mothers!
This class meets on the first and third Thursday of the month, starting February 6.
Special Needs Parenting (Bi-monthly)
Teacher: Carolyn Meyers | Cost: $15Are you a special needs parent? Have you wondered if you will ever laugh again? Share in meaningful conversation with other moms just like you. Learn more about the True Source of joy and strength. You'll come to realize you are not alone and joy can still be yours.
This class meets on first and third Thursdays, starting February 6.
What Happens Next by Max Lucado
Teacher: Helen Tadlock | Cost: $10With so much unrest in this world, we would all like a roadmap to “what happens next.” Max Lucado presents an in-depth biblical exploration of the end of the age, and the hope we have as believers as we watch for Christ's return.
Knowing Freedom
Teacher: Dr. Veronica Gatling | Cost: $10God has an incredible purpose for us in this life, and we get to know and love the God of the universe, and even participate in His plans as we spread His fame throughout the earth. Jesus promised us abundant life and joy not dependent on life circumstances, yet life in this fallen world is harsh, and trouble abounds. It’s easy to become weighed down with worries, defeat, past hurts, hopelessness, and other bondages that can dull or block our intimacy with Christ and make us feel stuck. This class will give us new tools to dismantle strongholds and live fully free in His power and purposes. The goal is transformation, and the time is now!
This class uses the Knowing Freedom book. You will need to purchase this at the SBC bookstore or online prior to the class.
We graciously ask that participants commit to attending the class, as space is limited to 10 participants. Please only register if you will not miss more than two sessions.

Chancellor’s Class
Mondays, January 27 – April 7 | 6pm | Grace Chapel
(No class February 17)
Join Dr. Darryl DelHousaye as he teaches truths from the personal journal of Solomon. He will share timeless, practical wisdom on how to live for today while focused on Eternity, and how God's Word impacts our priorities and relationship with Him.
Watch Pastor Darryl’s messages the following day.

Tuesdays | 6:30pm | Cactus Family Life Center, YTH Room 1
Contact: Ben Powers
Tuesdays | 6:30pm | Fountain Hills Ministry Center (16811 E El Pueblo Drive, FH, AZ 85268)
Contact: Willie Dudley
Tuesdays, starting January 7 | 6:30pm | North Ridge, HSM Room
Contact: James Delarato
Tuesdays | 6:30pm | Shea, Venue
Contact: Jason Belcher
Join us every Tuesday night for a time of biblical teaching, worship, and connection in a community where men are committed to building their faith together. This is the starting point for men at SBC to step into a deeper faith in Jesus. “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17).
Forge (noun, ˈfȯrj) – a workshop where heat is applied to metal until it can be shaped according to the blacksmith’s design.
God uses the unique challenges in each of our lives to shape us into His likeness as we walk with Him. And as we allow Him to shape us, we become useful instruments in His hand to carry out the unique purpose and design He has for our lives.
Livestream and video recordings are available on the SBC Men’s Facebook Page.
No registration needed.

Wednesdays, January 15 – April 23 | 6-8:30pm | Shea MC2
Cost: $265
You have an integral role to play in God’s story! In this 15-week multi-faceted discipleship course, you’ll explore God’s global purpose from four vantage points or “perspectives”— Biblical, Historical, Cultural, and Strategic. This awe-inspiring course has profoundly impacted hundreds of thousands of students over the past 45 years and will help you discover God’s heart for the nations and how you can participate in fulfilling His global purposes.

Rooted – Winter 2025
Wednesdays, January 29 – April 9, 2025 | 6:30-8:30pm | All campuses CAPACITY FULL
In-person Cost: $40 per person
Rooted is a small group discipleship experience that inspires questions, conversations, and experiences designed to connect you to God, the Church, and your purpose. Rooted isn’t simply a Bible study or a book, it’s about taking risks and doing things Jesus did. You’ll practice seven rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus: daily devotion, prayer, freedom from strongholds, sacrificial generosity, serving the community, sharing your story, and celebrating. Come and experience Rooted!
Rooted Kick-off | Wednesday, January 29 | 6:30-8:30PM | Shea campus
Rooted launches with a gathering at the Shea campus to kick off the season, meet your group, and hear the vision and plans for your session!
Campus Meetings | Weekly Wednesday, February 5 – April 2 | 6:30-8:30pm | Meet at your home campus
(Note: Existing groups or groups that meet outside of Wednesday nights may follow their own schedules.)
Rooted Celebration | Wednesday, April 9 | 6:30-8:30PM | Shea campus
To conclude our Rooted experience, we will gather again at the Shea Campus to celebrate what God did, hear stories of transformation, and learn about next steps in our journey with Jesus!
Please email rooted@scottsdalebible.com if you have any questions or want more information. Details on the next session are coming soon!

Finding Your Place in Foster Care and Adoption
Thursday, March 13 | 6-8pm | Shea MC3
Everyone has a place in foster care and adoption—come find yours!
Join us at this exciting event where you’ll explore the multitude of ways you can make a difference in addressing the foster care needs in our state. Whether it’s donating diapers, lending support to foster families, or even considering becoming a licensed foster caregiver yourself, there’s a place for everyone to contribute.
Learn all about Gigi’s Cottage and other foster care community partners, and find out how you can get involved as a volunteer. Childcare will be provided, along with some delicious light snacks. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something truly impactful and rewarding!
Please contact us at localoutreach@scottsdalebible.com if you have any questions.

Thursdays, February 6–April 17 | 6:30-8:30pm | Cactus (2501 E Cactus Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85032)
Thursdays, Starting March 27 | 6:30pm | Fountain Hills (16811 E El Pueblo Drive,
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268)
Thursdays, February 6–April 17 | 6:30-8:30pm | North Ridge (6363 E Dynamite Blvd, Cave Creek, AZ 85331)
Thursdays, February 6–April 17 | 6:30-8:30pm | Shea (7601 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85260)
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to ask life’s big questions:
What is my purpose?
Who is Jesus and why does He matter?
Why is there suffering?
Alpha is a series of conversations that explore life, spirituality, and faith in a fun, nonjudgmental, and open environment. Each session includes dinner, a short video, and a discussion where you can talk about your thoughts and questions with people from all different backgrounds. Try it the first night and see if Alpha is right for you. No strings attached, no pressure, and no cost.
Invite a friend or family member to join you!

Bunk Bed Build
Saturday, March 15 | 8-11:30am | Sleep in Heavenly Peace Workshop (51st Street & Washington)
Location: Sleep in Heavenly Peace Workshop (near Sky Harbor Airport)
More details will be provided after registration.
Volunteers Needed: Adults preferred. Children over 12 must be accompanied by a guardian.
Are you looking for a fun volunteer opportunity that serves kids in need? Join us as we partner with Sleep in Heavenly Peace to build bunk beds for foster kids and families. We will prep the wood (cut, drill, sand), stain it, and then assemble the bunk beds. SHP has a new air-conditioned facility where we will be building the beds together.
Drinks and snacks are provided.

Discovery Kids Family Focus
All families with kids 4th grade and younger are invited to Family Focus!

Tanzania Project Celebration
Sundays, March 16 & 23 | All Campuses
Join us for a special 20th-anniversary celebration of our Tanzania Project and hear how you can get involved! Since 2005, SBC has served two communities in Tanzania where we built and operate two Christian primary schools. More than 1,600 students—from kindergarten through university—are currently being sponsored. Each year, nearly 100 new students enter kindergarten and need loving sponsors. We also have older children who need support to continue their education.
On each of our campuses and online, you'll have a chance to view profiles of these students and learn about becoming a sponsor. We will also interview two Tanzania Project leaders who are visiting from Africa and sell copies of a beautiful hard-cover book we’ve produced to celebrate 20 years of life-changing work in Tanzania!

Sunday, March 23 | During Services | All Campuses
Baptism is a symbolic picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When a Christian is immersed in the water, this person is identifying with Jesus in those events and making a public declaration of faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord. Jesus commanded His followers to be baptized; if you are new to faith in Christ or have never been baptized, we would love to come alongside you as you take this important step in your spiritual journey!
If you are interested in getting baptized, sign up below and we will contact you regarding available dates and next steps.
Learn about baptism to discover if this is your next best step.
Please email baptism@scottsdalebible.com, if you have any questions regarding baptism.

SBC Membership Class
Sunday, March 23 | 9am | Cactus Ministry Life Building
Sunday, March 23 | 12:30pm | Fountain Hills Discovery Kids Building
Sunday, March 23 | 11am | North Ridge MC1
Sunday, March 23 | 11am | Shea MC8
Membership at SBC is a meaningful way to deepen your commitment and actively contribute to our mission. As a valued member, you will play an essential role in sharing the message of Jesus, nurturing others in their faith, and positively influencing lives. You will also gain insight into the vision and operations of our church as you actively participate in important decisions. Membership invites you to take ownership of your faith journey through engaging in service, regularly attending, and experiencing a deeper sense of community.
If you are ready for this exciting next step of becoming a member of SBC, attend our one-hour class where you’ll learn more about us and receive a membership application.
We can’t wait to welcome you into our church family! Sign up below for the next class.
Please email membership@scottsdalebible.com if you have any questions regarding membership.

Women’s Spring Retreat 2025
Friday, April 4 – Sunday, April 6 | Lost Canyon – Williams, AZ SOLD OUT
Please note: The Women’s Spring Retreat is currently at capacity. If you are on the waitlist, we will notify you promptly if additional spots become available.
Women of all ages and stages are invited to the SBC Spring Retreat where we will "Taste and See" that the Lord is good and discover how to experience true freedom by trusting in Jesus. Building on this year’s theme of TRUST, we will worship together, hear from God through Scripture, and enjoy meaningful fellowship. We’re also excited to welcome guest speaker Jena Hippe, who will share impactful teaching with us.

Vision for the Nations
Monday, March 3 | 6:30-8pm | Shea MC9
(First Monday of the Month)
Join us each month as our Global Outreach Ministry hosts this special event where you can deepen your understanding of what God is doing through SBC around the world. Along with biblical teaching on missions and global updates, you’ll hear directly from missionaries and partners and spend time in prayer for them. In just 90 minutes, you’ll be exposed to powerful aspects of the Christian life that shape our global outreach efforts.

Men’s Retreat
All SBC men are invited to an unforgettable weekend retreat in the pines of Williams, AZ.

Connecting Point
Sunday, April 27 | 12:15pm | Cactus Ministry Life Center, Saguaro Room
Sunday, April 27 | 10:30am & 12:30pm | Fountain Hills, DK Building
Sunday, April 27 | 11am | North Ridge MC1
Sunday, April 27 | 11am | Shea MC8
Sunday, April 27 | 1pm | Online
New to Scottsdale Bible Church? Join us at Connecting Point!
Are you curious about how to get connected or where to start? Come join us at an upcoming Connecting Point where you'll meet our friendly pastors, make new friends, and discover opportunities to get involved in community!
Each campus team looks forward to welcoming you and sharing ways to take your next step! If you're part of our online community, your Connecting Point will highlight virtual opportunities for you to connect. Please select your campus and sign up below.
Please email connect@scottsdalebible.com, if you have any questions.

European Leadership Forum
May 13-24, 2025 | Poland Trip is Full - Join the Waitlist
Cost: $1825 (airfare is additional)
Although most Christians don’t think of Europe as a spiritually needy continent, just 3% of Europeans identify as evangelicals. To address this need, SBC has made a major commitment to minister to leaders throughout Europe by sending logistical support teams to the annual European Leadership Forum in Poland. Sponsored by the Forum of Christian Leaders (FOCL), the European Leadership Forum is a strategic effort to train, encourage, and strengthen more than 800 evangelical leaders from 59 countries who often serve in antagonistic and isolated environments. Members of the SBC volunteer team provide vital support to make the Forum a success. Serving on the team is an energizing, humbling, and unforgettable experience!
Open to: Adults (over 18)
Please contact Kathy Mersbach to be placed on the waiting list or for more information.

VBS at Cactus
June 9-13 | Cactus Campus
Early-bird registration fee – $25 per child (March 1 - May 4)
Regular registration fee – $30 per child (May 4 - June 11)
At this year’s Vacation Bible School, kids will embark on an out-of-this-world adventure as they discover how Jesus gives us Eternity and Beyond. Through exciting teaching, games, crafts, and more, they will discover God's amazing plan for their lives and have a ton of galactic fun! Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for this cosmic journey!

VBS at Fountain Hills
June 9-13 | Fountain Hills Campus
Early-bird registration fee – $25 per child (March 1 - May 4)
Regular registration fee – $30 per child (May 4 - June 11)
At this year’s Vacation Bible School, kids will embark on an out-of-this-world adventure as they discover how Jesus gives us Eternity and Beyond. Through exciting teaching, games, crafts, and more, they will discover God's amazing plan for their lives and have a ton of galactic fun! Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for this cosmic journey!

VBS at North Ridge
June 9-13 | North Ridge Campus
Early-bird registration fee – $25 per child (March 1 - May 4)
Regular registration fee – $30 per child (May 4 - June 11)
At this year’s Vacation Bible School, kids will embark on an out-of-this-world adventure as they discover how Jesus gives us Eternity and Beyond. Through exciting teaching, games, crafts, and more, they will discover God's amazing plan for their lives and have a ton of galactic fun! Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for this cosmic journey!

VBS at Shea
June 9-13 | Shea Campus
Early-bird registration fee – $25 per child (March 1 - May 4)
Regular registration fee – $30 per child (May 4 - June 11)
At this year’s Vacation Bible School, kids will embark on an out-of-this-world adventure as they discover how Jesus gives us Eternity and Beyond. Through exciting teaching, games, crafts, and more, they will discover God's amazing plan for their lives and have a ton of galactic fun! Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for this cosmic journey!

Volunteer at VBS
June 9–13 | 9am-12pm | All campuses
We need many extra sets of hands to make this year’s VBS a success. Consider helping kids discover who God is and His plan for their lives by serving in one of the following areas listed below.
*Childcare for ages 0-5 will be available for all volunteers with young children.
Adult Guides (Ages 18+):
Adult Volunteer Guides will check in/check out the same group of kids each day of VBS and will guide them through the rotations and sit with them during rallies. They will develop relationships with their team, maintaining a fun and safe environment for the kids to learn about Jesus.
JHM Student Volunteers (Entering grades 6-8):
Junior High Student (JHM) Volunteers will enjoy an entry-level opportunity to serve in the church as helpers to Adult Volunteers. JHM Volunteers may be assigned to either groups of kids in kindergarten through 1st grade, or as an assistant in Rotation rooms. Assignments will be made at each campus by DK staff. This is a great opportunity to serve the Lord and to help kids have an amazing VBS experience.
HSM Student Volunteers (Entering grades 9-12):
High School Student (HSM) Volunteers will enjoy serving in the church as helpers to Adult Volunteers and in additional leadership roles. HSM Volunteers may be assigned to either groups of kids in grades 2-5 or as an assistant in Rotation rooms. Assignments will be made at each campus by DK staff. This is a great opportunity to serve the Lord and to help kids have an amazing VBS experience.
Nurse Station:
Our Nurse Station Adult Volunteers will remain in our check-in area throughout the morning to be “on call” in emergency situations. They will be responsible for administering minor first aid, evaluating additional first-aid needs, and communicating with the DK staff and Security Team about any incidents that occur on site. We prefer to have adult volunteers who have advanced first-aid skills or medical field experience, such as nurses or doctors.
Bible Review:
Our Bible Review Adult Volunteers will lead lesson discussions, activities, and challenges to reinforce the message taught during the opening rally. This is a fun and engaging role for those who truly love to teach and engage kids in a fun and interactive way.
Our Craft/Activities Adult Volunteers will lead kids through themed crafts or fun activities every day. Depending on the campus you serve, you may have the same craft/activity all five days or you may rotate through five different activities during the week. We prepare crafts, stem activities, and team fun that is simple and engaging for kids in an age-appropriate way.
Our Games Adult Volunteers will lead kids through games to play every day. We prepare games for age-appropriate groups that are fun, team building, and downright silly! We want all kids to have an opportunity to whoop and holler for the Lord!
Snack and Chat:
Our Snack and Chat Adult Volunteers will set up snacks and then lead kids in table discussion topics. This allows time to build relationships with other kids on their team and have fun and engaging discussions.
Wherever Needed:
This Adult Volunteer is willing to help wherever they are needed.
Childcare Volunteer (Fountain Hills only):
Our Childcare Volunteers will work with children under the age of five who belong to VBS Volunteers and staff. They will check in and check out kids daily. We will have a themed schedule of activities that are engaging and age-appropriate. Childcare Volunteers are required to arrive prior to volunteers to welcome the kids to their room and stay until the last child is picked up.

HSM Beach Camp
HSM is headed to the beach! Kick off the summer with YTH, as we head to California for our annual Beach Camp.

Returning Fall of 2025
Cost: $50 per couple
All married couples experience times of conflict, tension, or distance, and it’s not easy to overcome the barriers that come between us. Whether you and your spouse are struggling to get along, feel like your marriage is broken, or have a good marriage but wish you had more closeness and intimacy, Re|Engage is for you! It’s a safe place to experience life-giving teaching, hear stories from couples who’ve been where you are, and gain practical tools to help you move toward the marriage relationship you’ve always wanted.
Please email marriage@scottsdalebible.com if you have any questions or want more information.

Preparing for Marriage
Returning Fall of 2025
Cost: $150 per couple
Our Preparing for Marriage course is an eight-session experience for couples that will equip you to live together in dynamic connection for life. Topics include spiritual and sexual intimacy, communication and conflict resolution, finances, roles and expectations, and more. Participating in all sessions is vital to gleaning all the information covered in this course. Each couple will also complete an online relational assessment before the course begins.
Please reach out to marriage@scottsdalebible.com if you have any questions.

Grace Marriage
Returning Fall of 2025
Cost $199*
We are all taught to change our motor oil before our engine blows up. Or to go to the dentist for regular checkups to maintain good oral hygiene. Routine maintenance is common sense for the things that are important to us. So what about your marriage?
Grace Marriage is designed to help you routinely invest in your most cherished relationship. We’ll give you a path and a plan to help your marriage grow and experience more grace, more gratitude and more connection. Through these Saturday workshops, you’ll have the time, the tools, and the relationships to support your marriage in good times and in the more difficult seasons of life. SBC Marriage Ministry is committed to creating relational community for couples to walk through life together.
*The $199 fee includes participation in the workshop on specified dates, as well as curriculum materials. You and your spouse will also have access to additional online tools for support and encouragement.
Please contact us at marriage@scottsdalebible.com if you have any questions.

Join us this spring for our Women’s Gather events, where you’ll discover wonderful opportunities to connect and build community with other women. We invite you to explore these gatherings and experience the joy of community with us!
Widow's Lunch | Thursday, March 20, April 17, and May 15, 2025 | 11:30am-1pm | Cactus YTH RM 2
Women's Worship & Prayer Night | Thursday, August 21, 2025 | 6:30-8pm | Cactus YTH RM 1
Spring Forward | Thursday, May 1, 2025 | 6:30-8:30pm | Cactus YTH RM 1
Fountain Hills
Women's Tea with Pastor Raygen's Wife, Shannon Mitchell
Saturday, March 8, 2025 | 10am - 12pm | SBC Fountain Hills Ministry Center GymnasiumYou're invited to meet Shannon Mitchell, Pastor Raygen's wife. Shannon will be sharing her story and talking about her role at Scottsdale Bible Church.
Tea is co-hosted by Brigita Verster, Georgia McCoy, Kris Mulholland and Linda Schwaba.
Register by March 1, 2025.
Childcare is available for $10.
Sign Up
North Ridge
Women's Tea | Saturday, April 26, 2025 | 11am-1pm | North Ridge YTH 9-12
Women's Spring Tea – A time to come together, and fellowship, while celebrating being “A New Creation in Christ”. We will enjoy a tea luncheon with guest speaker Cherie Wagner.
Women's Lunch | Thursday, March 13, April 10, May 8, and June 12, 2025 | 11:30am-1pm | Shea Café
Spring Gathering | Thursday, May 8, 2025 | 6:30-8pm | Shea Venue

SBC Serves at Reigning Grace Ranch
Join us on the second Saturday of each month for a ranch work day with Reigning Grace Ranch.