On that first Easter morning, light broke through the darkness, and hope was no longer just a promise—it was a reality. Jesus overcame the grave, and because He lives, we are invited into a life of renewal, joy, and unshakable hope.
This Easter, as we gather in worship, in song, and in reflection, we step into the story that changed everything. A story of victory. A story of love. A story that invites us in, just as we are.
Wherever you find yourself this season, His resurrection offers a new beginning. Come and experience the beauty of Easter—where death is defeated, and life begins again.

Friday, April 18
Childcare for Good Friday is offered at all campuses for children 5 and under; no regular Discovery Kids or Unlimited Programming.
Cactus Campus: 4pm & 6pm
Fountain Hills Campus: 6pm
Grace Chapel Campus: 4pm
North Ridge Campus: 4pm & 6pm
Shea Campus: 4pm & 6pm
Online: 4pm & 6pm

Saturday, April 19 & Sunday, April 20
Programming for children birth to 5th grade is available at all services except our 6:30 and 7am services. We are also creating a special online Discovery Kids Easter lesson with activities and music. Plan to join us!
Saturday: 5pm
Sunday: 6:30am
(Outdoors - Sunrise Service)
9 & 11am
Saturday: 5pm
Sunday: 9 & 11am
Saturday: No Services Sunday: 7, 9, & 11am
Saturday: 3 & 5pm Sunday: 7, 9, & 11am
Saturday : 3pm & 5pm Sunday : 7, 9, & 11am