Global Outreach

We participate in this Great Commission primarily in three ways: Reaching the Unreached, Equipping the Global Church, and Defending the Vulnerable.

Scottsdale Bible Church is called to carry out God’s mission and “Get Out There.” After His resurrection, Jesus commanded His followers to “Go…and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). We are a “sending” church and mobilize God’s people by raising up long-term global workers, sending short-term teams, partnering with national ministry leaders in several countries, and responding to spiritual and physical needs around the world.

We pray God continues to raise up more “workers for the harvest” to send as SBC’s next generation of leaders and challenge you to ask God where He is calling you to join us.

Contact us at or call 480.824.7200 if you have questions about Global Outreach.

Michael Solano

Pastor of Global Outreach

Discover Specific Areas of Need

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  • Our Focus

    Global Outreach is intentionally focused on Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for two key reasons. The need for the gospel in these spiritually dark areas is great, and we have existing strengths in these regions.

    Europe – Our church family has a natural affinity for Europe, and our senior pastor has a heart to impact this culture where only 2.9% claim to follow Jesus.

    Middle-East – With Jordan, Turkey, and North Africa as engagement points, SBC’s numerous supported workers are reaching Muslims within the world’s largest religious block of unreached people.

    Africa – SBC’s Tanzania Project is an anchor point, and we hope to expand into North Africa where there is a tremendous need for the gospel.

  • Our Methods

    SBC engages in two primary ways:

    Sending our own disciples. We send both short-term and long-term workers through our direct partnerships and trusted sending agencies. Working with these current sending partners optimizes our impact:

    Europe– Greater Europe Mission

    Middle East– Christar & Frontiers

    Africa– Africa Inland Mission

    Partnering directly with indigenous, national leaders. While partnerships are continually being developed; these are our current connections:

    Europe– European Leadership Forum

    Middle East– Spiritual Care Link ( Barry Cordova)

    Africa– ERETO & Tanzania Partner

  • Our Tactics

    Based on the strengths of our SBC family, we provide strategic care in three primary categories:

    Education – Training and teaching are core to SBC’s DNA, and we are passionate about investing in leaders who will impact their communities. Our partnerships include Tyndale House (UK), Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary, and two schools in Tanzania.

    Local Church-centric – Everything we do for the global church should somehow link through local churches. Our ministry experience allows us to invest in local churches to empower their efforts to reach people and build the global Church.

    Defending the Vulnerable – SBC has a sensitive heart for the marginalized, wounded, and outcast. Our schools, child-sponsorships, and “outside the gates” ministry in Tanzania; our refugee ministry; and our efforts to serve the persecuted Church are examples of efforts in this area.

View Upcoming Trips & Opportunities

Prayer Gathering

Join Us the First Monday of the Month!

1st Mondays | 6:30–8pm | Shea A9

Join us each month as our Global Outreach Pastor shares about SBC’s goals and dreams for reaching the nations. Hear updates about the Global Outreach Ministry, news about our missionaries and how we're supporting them, volunteer opportunities, and ways to pray for our missionaries and their work throughout the world.

Find more information on our global workers and consider joining our prayer team!

Equipping Christian Leaders and Pastors

More than 800 evangelical leaders from 59 countries are helped through training, mentoring, and networking.

Ready to Get Out There?

If you sense a calling to full-time outreach, we eagerly invite you to connect with us.

We're committed to partnering with you as you seek God's direction and discern where He is leading you next in your journey of service and ministry. Your passion and commitment are invaluable in spreading God's love and transforming lives.

Serve at
