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Pastoral SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church Pastoral SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church

Life & The Great Commandment

Followers of Jesus are called to love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, and minds, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. So, what if we looked at the issue of...

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Pastoral SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church Pastoral SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church

Strong Minds, Strong Faith

During college, I worked for the Youth Probation Department in Huntington, Indiana, where I encountered young people navigating not just legal …

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Pastoral SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church Pastoral SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church

Giving is Good

When I was an intern in Chicago during seminary, I had to personally raise funds for my salary. It was more money than I had ever needed …

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Parenting SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church Parenting SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church

Navigating Fatherhood

I was struck by something late one special night. It was January 25, 2011. My daughter had just been born, and I became acutely aware of a shift...

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Pastoral SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church Pastoral SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church

Not Just a Place

Sunday is the day for church, right? We work on the weekdays, sleep in and get a few chores done around…

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Pastoral SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church Pastoral SBC | Scottsdale Bible Church

Act Like Men

There is a distorted cultural reality that states that the more visible a person is in the public eye, the more…

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