
Not On My Own

My story at Scottsdale Bible began in June 2010 when my family moved here from Lake Stevens, Washington, due to a job change. Before God called me to move, I had everything—house, job, family, title, money. But I was empty. Within 13 months I was divorced, suffered financial loss, and my kids moved back to Washington with their mom. I had hit bottom.

Fortunately I’d met some friends at Scottsdale Bible before this happened. While volunteering as a teacher in my son’s AWANA class, I became friends with Kelly, who invited me to an enrichment class where I met Steve and Bill. They invited me to Iron Groups on Tuesday nights where I met Darien and Tony. These men became very close friends, and I knew I could talk with them about anything.

My friends encouraged and prayed with me. They reminded me about God’s promises and had faith for me when I felt lost. They helped me follow God’s plan. Now, my children are in Scottsdale, I am at peace with God, and I get to help encourage other guys in Men’s Ministry at Scottsdale Bible. My passion is to see men connect, grow, and become the leaders God desires.

Like many men, I thought I could do things on my own, but I discovered God wants me to live for Him and gain support by being part of a community. “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble”  Ecclesiastes  4:9-10. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” Proverbs 27:17.