
Making the Most of Summer

I LOVE an Arizona Summer! You might think I am crazy, and maybe I am, but I grew up here and my summer memories are rich, deep, and still make me smile! Arizona is a special place and offers so much more that 100+ degree days.

When I was growing up, we had a pool, and by the sliding glass door we had a pile of fresh large pool towels, a basket of swimming suits, and a bin of toys. All day long we were in and out of the pool, diving for plastic eggs and pennies, calling out Marco Polo, and trying to make the biggest splash from a cannon ball off the diving board! Our days would often end with our family eating a simple meal outside with homemade ice cream. There were no more school projects and a million opportunities to invite friends to join in the fun! We laughed, life slowed down, and we connected.

What I didn’t see then, but now understand as an adult, was the intentionality that surrounded the easy, carefree flow of the long summer days. My mother carefully chose the priorities for the summer—planning a calendar that included a focus on Jesus, family, and friends. It was a beautiful time to reset our hearts and minds, harvest wisdom from the year we had just completed, rest, and get excited about the days ahead.

Summer is approaching, but is not quite here, and I want to encourage you to tuck away with the Lord and pray over how He might ask you to steward the 90 days ahead. This will look different for everyone, as each season of our lives gives way to a variety of possibilities. For me, relationships are key—my relationship with Jesus and the ones I love. I will include times of celebration, intentional time with friends, and longer times to sit in the Lord’s presence and consider what He is calling me to.

Here are some suggestions for you:

Get God:

      • Review 2 Corinthians, as our year-long sermon series concludes this summer, capturing key wisdom and application moments.
      • Join an Immerse Group and read through the Prophets with a group to learn.

Get Real:

      • Create a list of people you can be intentional about reaching out to this summer and choose one way to invest in them by the end of August.
      • Invite trusted people into a small accountability group where you can be real about the deeper things in your life.

Get Out There:

      • Take the online Spiritual Gifts test here to better understand how God designed you to serve.
      • Take some time to create a list of those in your sphere of influence to reach out to, and then be intentional about making time to share life and Jesus with them.
      • Pray about where you can serve and take intentional steps to do it!

Scottsdale Bible encourages everyone to Get God, Get Real and Get Out There! So together, let’s embrace summer and Grow Closer to Jesus, Be Authentic in our Relationships, and Serve! I would love to hear the summer vision God gives you!

Enjoy summer!


Jessica Neill