
Strong & Courageous

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. –Joshua 1:9

We sang this verse as a song in Discovery Kids a few weeks ago. I loved watching the children hold up their arms and flex their muscles as they showed how strong and courageous they were. I asked the kids if this was a suggestion, to which they all answered a resounding, “NO, it is a command from God!” Their childlike faith response filled my heart.

Fear is that moment when we allow the unknowns, the maybes, and the potential harms to rise higher than our faith in Christ. We all experience it occasionally, and it’s ok to be real and admit it. The key is to not sit in our fear but to bring all our fears to the Heavenly Father in prayer. When we release our fears to God, they are no longer ours to hold. We no longer face difficult times alone because, as He promised, He will be with us wherever we go.