
We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to ask life’s big questions…

+ Why do bad things happen to good people?
+ What happens when we die?
+ Why should I believe the Bible?
+ How do I know if Jesus was really God?
+ Isn’t Christianity just a crutch?
+ Can there be multiple paths to God?

Alpha is a series of conversations that explore life, spirituality, and faith in a fun, nonjudgmental, and open environment. Each session includes dinner, a short video, and a discussion where you can talk through your thoughts and questions with a small group of people much like you.


Join Us this Fall

Starting Thursdays, September 5, 2024 | 6:30-8:30pm | Cactus YTH Rm 2
YTH Alpha starting Tuesdays, September 10 | 6-8pm | Cactus YTH Rm 2
Starting Thursdays, September 12, 2024 | Shea A8

Join us at Cactus Join us at Cactus YTH Join us at Shea




Things People Are Saying…

If you’d like to share your testimony about your Alpha experience email us or post to social media using the hashtag #SBCAlpha.

“Alpha provides an opportunity for people to ask questions (or just listen) regarding topics about life, spirituality, and faith in a safe, supportive, fun, nonjudgmental environment. If you’re new to faith, pondering about spiritual things, or looking for a place to invite a friend with questions, I highly recommend checking out Alpha.”

– Pastor Rustin

“Alpha has helped me immensely. I was seeking answers to spiritual questions and I found Alpha. There is nothing about Alpha to be fearful of. Alpha’s approach is very light and airy, any question is a good question, and with absolutely no judgment. I loved how safe I felt! Alpha has shown me how I can seek my answers from the Holy Spirit through Christ by reading the Bible, praying, and creating a relationship with the Trinity. I highly recommend Alpha to anyone, whether you have a religious background or are on a spiritual journey or not.”

– KC

“I had heard about Jesus my entire life but along the way decided I didn’t believe in Him. When I learned about Alpha, I decided to give it a try because I had wondered about Jesus over the years and thought–what if I’m wrong about Him? Alpha presented information that helped me understand who He was and is in my life, and the transformation that is taking place within me is better than I could have ever imagined.”

– Michelle




Frequently Asked Questions About Alpha

Each week, we enjoy a delicious dinner together – skip cooking for a night! Then we watch a 20-30 minute video together followed by a casual time to express questions about it, discuss what stood out, and bring up doubts or arguments we’re wrestling with.

Nope! Try Alpha the first week and then decide if you like it. We meet for 11 weeks, and each week covers a different topic that people often have questions about, but if you can’t attend every week, don’t let that keep you from joining.

A lot of us aren’t! You will be welcomed regardless of your personality, and if you choose to observe more than chime in, that’s totally fine. Your leader will never put you on the spot or call on you. Only speak up when you’re comfortable.

You’ll be in the right place and not alone! No matter where you’re at in life or faith—Alpha is a great place to start. Just show up (never any homework) and see where it takes you!

You don’t need to know anything about the Bible or have even read it! Alpha isn’t a Bible study. It’s a place to discuss questions, doubts, and ideas about life, God, and other topics.

We hope so! Most people are surprised by how lighthearted and relaxed Alpha is, and the great videos and amazing dinners are always a hit.