

Revealed. That is the word the Lord seems to be giving me this Advent Season. As we move into Christmas and remember the way God broke into our world in the form of a baby, I’ve been reminded of how God chose to “reveal” Himself to His world. John 1:18 certainly comes to mind when I think about the word, “revealed.”

“No one has ever seen God. The only one, Himself God, who is in closest fellowship with the Father, has made God known.” (NET Bible, italics mine)

Jesus has “revealed” God to us! Jesus’ birth, atoning death for our sins, burial, and resurrection perfectly display the relentless love God has for His creation. And now, He has established and left His Body, the Church, to continue revealing His love to the world today.

So how do we do that? What does God’s love for His world look like today? I think I can share one example of God’s love for the world that I’ve seen just this past month from all of you here at SBC…

The love of God “revealed” today looks like:

  • 1,150 bags of food for Phoenix Rescue Mission
  • 7,241 pounds of food for Foothills Food Bank.
  • 62 turkeys, 113 bags or 2,473 pounds of food for PV Emergency Food Bank
  • 800 Christmas gifts to Phoenix kids at Christmas Fiesta (hosted with Neighborhood Ministries)
  • 2,868 Operation Christmas Child boxes from all three campuses

Wow! God has used you as part of His Body, the people of SBC, to reveal His love to the city of Phoenix.

Serving and giving to those in need today shows the Church truly is the hands and feet of Jesus. And Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God. By serving and meeting needs in our city and in our world, we have the tremendous honor of revealing God and God’s love to our lost and dying world…who desperately need to know how much God loves them. Thank you for the many ways you all help to “reveal” God!