
A Healthy Tree

The one who trusts in the Lord is like the healthy tree—one with green leaves and well-established roots—firmly planted in faith. Jeremiah 17:7-8. Do you see an element of perseverance too? The tree does not halt when fear and drought come, but rather it continues to bear fruit and sink its roots deeper into the stream that sustains it.

Yet what happens when drought comes? Perhaps you are feeling this in our current global crisis. It can easy to be ensnared by fear and motivated to respond to the unknown future by relying on our own ability to protect and provide. We are certainly being pushed in this direction with an onslaught of messages urging us to focus on our own spiritual and mental health during this time. This can be a very good thing. But let’s not forget that for the “tree” that draws life from God and trusts in Him, there is no ceasing of fruit-bearing. Our pace may change, but our path does not.

We may face challenges when we adapt our methods to submit to our God-given authorities, but our work in building the Kingdom has not diminished. Let’s continue to draw from the spring of God’s strength to minister to others in this drought—and may we not cease from bearing fruit in this mission!